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His grandmother is grinning too. It’s very odd, and I know something is up, but I have absolutely no clue what it is.

They provide no information, even when I ask what’s going on, so we say goodbye. Then Chase and I walk out to the car.

The trunk is open.

I giggle. “Did you organize our luggage again like you did last year?”

He twitches his eyebrows. “Maybe. You should check it out so you can appreciate my organizing genius.”

I’m laughing as I go over to peer into the trunk.

As expected, he’s lined up our bags by order of size again, just as he did before our road trip last year. I’m shaking my head in fond impatience when I notice that something new has been added to the trunk—at the very end of the row of bags.

The smallest item.

It’s very small. The size of a jeweler’s box.

In fact, that’s exactly what it is.

I lean over to pick it up, turning around to gape at Chase.

He gently takes the box out of my hand and then lowers himself onto one knee with the most adorable expression of dry amusement and absolute devotion on his face.

“Oh my God,” I gurgle, covering my mouth with one hand. “Chase.”

He opens the box. Inside is a pretty diamond on a gold band.

I make a whimpering sound.

“You wanna marry me, Paige?”

With a little sobbing sound, I reach out to pull him back up to a standing position. It’s a little awkward for a moment, but finally I’m able to throw myself into his arms. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Okay,” he says, his face working with emotion as we separate to look at each other. “That’s good then.” He slides the ring on my finger.

We have some more sappy minutes by the trunk of the car. Then we have to go inside and tell his grandmother, who was in there waiting giddily to hear the news.

The redone bathroom upstairs is our wedding present from her so that we’ll have a nicer place to live after we get married.

It’s another hour before we finally set out on our Christmas road trip to Asheville, but for once I don’t mind that we’re running late.
