Page 108 of Keran's Dawn

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I’d long gotten over getting flustered about those two flirting with each other.

“Come, my beast. Give the two lovebirds some privacy before you embarrass Dawn further with your innuendos,” Mercy said, releasing my mate’s arm before taking my father’s hand.

I snorted while the redness on Dawn’s cheeks cranked up another notch. Naturally, Mercy had done it on purpose to tease her.

As soon as they exited through the door on the opposite side of the room, which led to the royal box, Dawn turned to face me. She waited until the door closed to approach me and wrap her arms around my neck.

“Are you okay?” Dawn asked in a soft voice. “It feels like we interrupted something intense.”

I shook my head and smiled while brushing aside a lock of hair from her face. “We were done talking. My father said he was proud of me, and that I should believe in myself.”

“Absolutely!” Dawn said in a forceful tone that took me aback. “Stop trying to be him. Stop comparing yourself to him. You are two different people with completely different sets of qualities that make you perfect for the role the Goddess has set for you. Ravik played his part, now it’s your turn. Strength comes in many forms. Yes, Ravik’s physical strength is incredible, but so is yours. It doesn’t matter that you’re not as strong as he is. So far, no one has dared to challenge you because they knew they’d get a beating. They’re only considering it now because you’re temporarily weakened.”

“True, but I’m still not the strongest man on Braxia,” I couldn’t help but argue.

She gave me a look as if I was a hopeless case—which I probably was. “Do you not see what your greatest strength is? You focus on the ability to fight when you’re entering the last stretch before the Great War. What our people are going to need in the foreseeable future is someone with the ability to rally people to a cause. Your power is your charisma and your ability to earn people’s loyalty. Your men would die for you. Gavin loves you so much he felt your need across the stars and came to save you. Even the hybrids are willing to stay here foryou. Not for your father, not for their clan, but foryou.”

Her words left me speechless. I had never looked at it from this angle. She was right. In the few years remaining before the prophesied Great War, diplomacy and forging alliances would determine our fate once the entire galaxy would clash in a bloody battle. This was something I had prepared for over the years.

“You are the symbol and the voice of unity,” Dawn continued in a passionate voice. “You have secured more galactic alliances and trade agreements than any of your predecessors. A good king isn’t the one who can bash the most skulls, but one who makes people want to take part in the skull bashing with him andforhim out of loyalty and trust. Have faith in yourself like we have faith in you. This isyourtime.”

Her words sank in all the more that they echoed much of what my father had said. Was I truly this blind to what everyone else was seeing?

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” I asked, my heart overflowing with affection.

“I’m not quite sure,” she said with pretend confusion. “I think you’re going to have to spend the next few decades making it clear to me.”

“Try to stop me,” I said before claiming her lips in a possessive kiss.

The oddest sense of peace washed over me as I reveled in this tender moment with my soulmate. My family was right. I’d set for myself expectations I would never demand of another. Marghor wasn’t the end. Even if another won the throne today, I’d reclaim it in a couple of weeks. Who cared about a single lost battle if I ultimately won the war?

I ended the kiss and pressed my forehead to hers for a few more seconds of tenderness before taking a step back to admire her beauty. My hands glided down the soft curves of her broad shoulders to rest on her bare upper arms. My gaze flicked to her left arm, and my thumb gently caressed the spot right below her shoulder.

Dawn slightly stiffened, and my eyes flicked back to hers.

“Lose the implant,” I said. “The boys need a sister.”

Even though I’d stated it as a command, my stomach fluttered with nerves at the thought she might not yet be ready to have a child with me.

Dawn lifted a defiant eyebrow. “Whatever makes you think I haven’t already done so?”

My jaw dropped as I stared at her, wanting to make sure I wasn’t misreading her statement.

“Really?” I asked, hope audible in my voice.

Her face lost that taunting edge, and she gave me a timid smile while nodding.

“Good girl,” I whispered, my chest filling with a possessive joy as images of my wife’s belly swollen with our future offspring flashed through my mind.

I reclaimed her lips in a passionate kiss, pouring into it all the devotion I felt for her. Dawn melted against me. In that instant, I realized that all that mattered the most to me was right here in my arms.

The door opening ended the moment.

“Hey, you two! Now is not the time for making out!” Ganek exclaimed, running late as always. “And where’s my kiss?”

Without waiting for a response, he pulled Dawn into his embrace, extending his cheek to her. My mate burst out laughing before kissing his cheek. Satisfied, the brat released her only to grab my face with both hands and smack a resounding—and slightly wet—kiss on my own cheek. I pushed him away while playfully glaring at him.

“Argh!” I grunted in fake annoyance as I wiped my face with the back of my hand. “Gross.”

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