Page 20 of Keran's Dawn

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“Yeah. She remained on Laïtana for six months, where she became close friends with the medical doctor assigned to the skeleton crew on site.”

“Let me guess,” I interjected. “Doctor Shonda Merrick.”

“Touché. Her mission on Laïtana was slated to end at the same time as my mother’s and as the rest of the first wave crew. She was debating about which assignment to take on next. My mother mentioned that she was heading to Haven to work on a three-month project for the Pelurians. That piqued Shonda’s interest as everyone is in love with that cute species. Therefore, she decided to tag along. I was born a little over two months after their arrival.”

“Right before the project would end,” I said, guessing where that was headed.

“Exactly two weeks before it ended,” Dawn said with a nod as she picked up wine glasses from the cupboard. “Shonda knew my father’s race, and that my mother had chosen Haven specifically because it would be the safest place for me. But when I came out looking fully human, she decided to adopt me instead of letting my mother put me in the local orphanage.”

I frowned at that while flipping the steaks. “Why only after she saw you looked human?”

Dawn gave me an indulgent smile. It softened her features in the loveliest way and made her eyes sparkle. She was truly an attractive female. Too bad she didn’t see herself through my eyes. Still, it pleased me that her initial panic had subsided.

“It’s not what you think. Back then, Braxian hybrids were considered an endangered species. Minors were not allowed to leave Haven unless the parent or legal guardian demonstrated that they could provide the necessary level of security for the child. As Shonda had not originally planned on staying here, adopting a Braxian baby would have kept her stranded on Haven. As she was the only other person who knew of my sire’s origins, that fact conveniently vanished from my medical record. This way, when she was ready to leave Haven, Shonda would have no problem taking me with her.”

“And yet, she didn’t leave,” I said, taking the vegetables off the stove.

“She was needed here and loved working with the Pelurians. Her contract kept being extended by a few months, then a few more, until years had gone by,” Dawn said with a shrug. “I think she also stayed for my sake.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, taking the steaks out of the pan so they could rest.

“I didn’t find out what I was until I was ten and asking a lot of questions, like why was I coming to school here in Genxia instead of the regular schools in town?”

“You studied here with the other hybrids?”

“Yes. Genxia was an old religious colony that had been turned into an orphanage. By the time I started kindergarten, it was already in the process of becoming a Braxian refugee shelter. My mother told me that studying here would put me in contact with people of varied backgrounds who would help me better understand the realities of the world instead of the superficial stuff regular schools would teach me. I thought it was cool back then.”

“But not after?” I asked with genuine curiosity while bringing the dishes to the table.

“I started asking questions because I realized I was bigger and stronger than other girls. Coming to school here kept me from feeling freaky, since I would fit right in with most of the other students. Even though she didn’t say as much, my gut told me that my mom had made me study here for that specific reason. She wanted me to grow up surrounded by my people and feel like I belonged.”

“And yet she made you keep it a secret,” I challenged, taking the bottle of wine she’d fetched from her hand, while gesturing for her to sit.

Dawn gave me an amused smile but complied. “Look at you being a gentleman, on top of apparently being a talented cook,” she added while casting a greedy look at the food. “Maybe you’re not a completely hopeless case after all.”

I snorted before pouring some red wine in her glass. “I’m a man of many,manytalents, my dear. Prepare to be impressed over the next few days.”

She laughed and shook her head like she was reconsidering her statement about me not being totally hopeless. “Looking forward to it. But to answer your question, yes, she made me keep it a secret. At first, it was so that she and I would have total freedom of movement before I reached eighteen, should we ever decide to leave Haven. After, it just made sense to keep up the charade. At the time, hybrids were still being hunted. I was twenty-five when your father finally made it illegal to hunt and abuse us.”

I nodded slowly, biting back the comment burning my tongue as to what terrible events had led my father to finally pass that law.

“Go ahead and dig in before it cools,” I said, pointing at the dishes in the middle of the table.

“Gladly,” she said with a grin.

To my delight, Dawn grabbed one of the three steaks then put a generous serving of sauteed vegetables and starchy roots. Braxian females had hearty appetites to fuel their strong bodies. It always annoyed me to see females of other species picking at their plates as their societies deemed it inelegant for women to eat a full portion. What nonsense.

Then again, Braxians had an unfair advantage over most other races. We possessed a phenomenal metabolism and naturally developed lean and muscular bodies without having to spend a single second in fitness training. Despite their stronger build compared to other species, our females were all lean and naturally maintained a healthy weight without any effort needed.

The moan that tumbled out of Dawn’s throat when she took a first bite of the steak resonated straight in my cock. The way she closed her eyes, eyelids fluttering as she savored the taste, sent my imagination running wild. The images were so vivid, I could almost feel her body writhing beneath me, and hear her moans as I pounded into her.

Can she even handle me?

Pureblood Braxians couldn’t couple with human females without long and strenuous preparation using Denax to relax and stretch them enough to receive our huge girths. Some women even struggled to take hybrids, who were far less massive. Purebloods usually needed to handle most hybrid females with care the first few times. The lining of their inner walls normally matched those of our females, which was flexible and stretchy, not only to welcome us but also to allow them to birth our big babies.

What if her human DNA isn’t just dominant in her facial features, but there as well?

I immediately chastised myself for my wandering thoughts. As much as Dawn enticed me, I didn’t come here to have an affair. And even though she had been aroused by me earlier, it was a little presumptuous of me to assume she would actually want to act on it.
