Page 25 of Keran's Dawn

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I nodded, observing the three males with awe. “Men this massive shouldn’t be able to move that fast.”

And they truly were, especially Keran. The way his two guards were going at him, I would have expected Keran to have already sustained some serious injuries. Granted, they were using training gear. The luminous sword remained rigid when impacting inert objects, but turned to light as soon as it came into contact with flesh. However, the target would receive a very nasty sting similar to a high-voltage electric discharge.

Keran was doing an incredible job of parrying their attacks with his shield or sword. When the guards would lunge at him simultaneously, he’d block one with his shield while forcing the other one back with his sword. Watching him dodge a vicious swipe from Tagar by bending his back so low you’d think he was an invertebrate took my breath away.

“It’s a good thing they’re here to help us,” I added pensively.


The strange way in which he pronounced that single word drew my attention. I frowned and eyed him questioningly. To my surprise, he gave me a slow once over, as if looking for something.

“What is it, Jaek? To what do I owe this unexpected visit?” I asked, curious.

“Are you okay?”

I slightly recoiled, taken aback by the genuine concern in his eyes. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

My back stiffened when his eyes flicked towards Keran and his men before returning to me. “When I got up this morning, everyone in town was talking about a pureblood invasion.”

“Invasion?!” I exclaimed, disbelievingly.

“Apparently, a whole bunch of them were seen traipsing around town, interrogating everyone,” Jaek said with a frown. “Dr. Benja was a mess when I saw him this morning.”

“Dr. Benja?” I asked, more confused than ever.

“He’s the new doctor who joined the forensic medical team,” Jaek explained. “I had some biochemical analysis reports for him in that case of medical negligence everyone is talking about. Apparently, the Jakar’s men took away the remains of our friends in a less-than-courteous fashion.”

I shifted on my feet, wondering just how ruthless Keran’s men had been, not that I would have faulted them. “We need answers, Jaek,” I said in an apologetic tone. “We’ve been getting blocked at every turn. In two days, we’re probably going to lose someone else. The forensic reports we’ve received from the local authorities were a joke at best. Weneedanswersnow!”

“I don’t disagree. But hearing how rough they’d been, I had to come here.”

This time, I turned to fully face him, completely baffled. “Why?”

He studied my features for a moment, as if wondering if I truly didn’t know why, or trying to decide how to answer. “Do I need a reason to come see you, Dawn? To make sure you’re safe?”

“Why wouldn’t I be safe?” I asked.

The strangest expression flitted over his features, then he appeared to take a decision. “Because you are a beautiful female alone here with three purebloods. They know your secret, Dawn. One whiff from them is all it takes.”

His words struck me like a punch in the gut. I felt my blood drain from my face. My wheels spinning, I grappled with conflicting emotions. For a moment, I contemplated playing dumb and pretending like I didn’t know what he meant. But Jaek was too smart for me to insult his intelligence that way. Anyway, running from this reality wouldn’t make it disappear.

“You know,” I whispered, feeling faint with shock.

“Of course,” he said as if it was self-evident. “I grew up on Braxia. I’ve met plenty of members of your bloodline. Every hybrid learned early on to steer clear of Gerwin Caldes.”

My innards twisted at the thought that my older half-brother could have abused Jaek. I’d been in denial not to acknowledge that high probability. If Gerwin had felt entitled to attack Anton Aldriss, one of the wealthiest and most influential males in the Eastern Quadrant simply because he was a hybrid, nothing would have stopped him from mistreating helpless ones like Jaek.

“I’m sorry,” I said, guilt gnawing at me.

Jaek waved a dismissive hand. “You’re not responsible for his cruelty. Anyway, he paid for all his wrongs. But I know how purebloods treat hybrid females. The things I’ve seen…”

“No! No, Jaek,” I said, shocked as I understood at last. I placed a reassuring hand on his forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Keran’s family outlawed those horrible practices. He wants to further empower and protect us. He and his guards have been nothing but gentlemen towards me.”

My heart filled with affection for him when his shoulders visibly relaxed. After all the trauma he’d sustained, Jaek had spent years in therapy to address his severe PTSD. The mere picture of a pureblood used to send him into such intense panic attacks, they had to sedate him. Although he’d manage to overcome that trauma over the years, he hadn’t been in the presence of a pureblood since his escape. And yet, at the thought I might be in danger, he had not hesitated to come and face his greatest fear to make sure I was safe.

Yes. I could fall in love with him if I allowed myself to.

“I’m happy to hear it.”
