Page 28 of Keran's Dawn

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“Until my own brother fucked up,” Dawn said with a sliver of bitterness.

“Your brother empowered us to make changes by attacking someone who Braxia couldn’t afford to alienate,” I said gently. “Braxia was on the verge of bankruptcy. Too many clans depended on the business they did with Anton’s space stations to risk having him breaking all ties. Sadly, most major social changes are driven by money, not by what’s right and wrong.”

I glanced back towards the direction Jaek had taken. His shuttle had already faded on the horizon.

“So it’s amazing to see that he survived this ordeal to become a biochemist, no less.”

Dawn smiled, the pride and affection in her emerald eyes cutting me deep.

“Jaekisamazing. He almost didn’t make it. Even though the slaves had looked after him after they found him lying in a pool of his own blood, he arrived here half dead. For a long time, it was touch and go. I was just a few months shy of turning seventeen when they brought him in. Seeing the extent of his injuries that day convinced me I needed to do everything in my power to protect others like him. That day, I decided I would take over this shelter once I came of age.”

I smiled and barely kept myself from caressing her hair. “You have a tender heart. But I’m surprised by how rough his scars still remain. Modern technology could have mended most of them, or at least significantly reduced their appearance.”

Dawn made a disgusted sound. “This is Haven. Unless you have a wealthy patron willing to go the extra mile, you only receive the basics here. According to the Twelve, their limited budget doesn’t allow them to splurge on fancy aesthetic surgery for a single individual, when that same amount could be used to feed an entire refugee group for a year.”

I clamped down on my blossoming anger. Yes, sanctuary planets relied on the donations and generosity of the public, the Galactic Council, and charitable organizations within their sectors. Unfortunately, they rarely pooled resources together to share them equally among all the refugees. Fundraising drives often targeted a specific subgroup, all proceeds used for their specific needs instead of benefiting the population at large.

Nobody ever organized a drive for Braxian hybrids. We yet again failed them.

“But Jaek adapted to the situation,” Dawn continued, the same pride seeping back into her voice. “He was disabled for a long time. While the other boys played rough games outside, he would bury himself in books. He went into the medical field to try and find a way to heal himself but ended up falling in love with biochemistry. Of all our males, he’s the only one who settled in the city.”

“He’s in love with you,” I said matter-of-factly.

An adorable redness tinged her cheeks as she lowered her eyes demurely. She shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

“All of the boys had a crush on me at one point or another,” Dawn said dismissively. “It’s not like they had many female options back then.”

Jaek’s feelings for her went far deeper than that. I also believed she knew it. For a split second, I considered calling her out on it but held my peace. Their relationship didn’t concern me. I had no claims on her.

But I want to…

“Let me go shower. Then we can gather in your meeting room to go over the reports my men have put together,” I said instead.

“Sounds great,” Dawn replied, seeming relieved by this change of topic. “Should I bring a light breakfast?”

“That would be appreciated,” I said, my guards nodding in agreement.

I messaged Baldur, my ship’s captain, to let him know we would be ready in the next fifteen minutes for the update as we headed inside. By the time I came out of my room, the most delicious aroma had my stomach grumbling. As I made my way to Dawn’s office, Tagar and Nowik emerged from their respective rooms—where they’d also freshened up—and fell into step with me.

They were looking forward to having some private time with me to go over Jaek’s revelations. After so many years working with these two males—although they were primarily attached to my father—we needed few words, and sometimes none at all, to communicate. So far, Dawn hadn’t given me any reasons to doubt her. However, she had proven to be a little blind, not to say naive, about shady motives others could have. We couldn’t be certain that Jaek could be trusted. But Dawn’s obvious affection for him could set her in defensive mode if we implied that we questioned his honesty.

The door to the office stood wide open. We stepped in to find Dawn’s worktable laden with a variety of roasted, thin sliced meats, sautéed root vegetables, steamed leafy greens, and cut fruits.

Tagar whistled through his teeth, a famished expression descending over his usually neutral face.

“Beautiful, smart, and able to whip up an impressive feast in minutes,” he said with admiration. “I just may have to claim her as my wife before we leave.”

Nowick chuckled, although his eyes flicked warily towards me. My men and I hadn’t discussed the situation with Dawn. They followed my lead in all things and anticipated my wishes in most cases. The way Tagar glanced at me confirmed he had noticed my attraction to her and wanted to know just how serious it was. That he would express such a ‘joke’ aloud indicated that he was genuinely considering making his move, and not just for a fling.

“She’s not for you,” I said sternly.

“Then you better lay your claim before Sedrak does,” Tagar deadpanned.

I bared my teeth at him, which only made him chuckle. Smug son of a krillik… Of course, they would have picked up on Jaek’s feelings for Dawn.

“I doubt he would appreciate being called by his clan’s name,” I said in a snarky tone.

Tagar flinched, and I felt like a total asshole. He was merely teasing me while also showing me the courtesy of checking with me before moving in on a female I could already be courting. I was letting my irrational jealousy turn me into a complete dick.

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