Page 44 of Keran's Dawn

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“Oh, sonowyou are worried about getting justice for hybrids? Why? Because you think you can pin it on off-worlders?” Vintor exclaimed. “But what about the purebloods? Are the ones who abused us going to answer for their crimes as well? Will they pay for the scars—physical and otherwise—that many of us still bear?”

Many of the hybrids nodded, some narrowing their eyes at me as they awaited my answer. Although I had known this question would come, I couldn’t help groaning inwardly.

“Any pureblood who violates the edict is punished mercilessly and in an exemplary fashion,” I replied. “Have you not heard about the fate that befell Gerwin Caldes?”

“Yes, but what about the previous aggressions?” Vintor insisted.

I made an apologetic gesture. “Back then, their actions were not just condoned, they were encouraged by the former Magnar. We cannot retroactively punish people for things that were legal at the time or in accordance with laws that didn’t exist yet.”

Vintor made a disgusted sound. “Typical political excuses to once more protect purebloods from any accountability.”

“They are not excuses, just reality,” I replied, surprised by how well I was maintaining my cool despite how severely he was trying my patience. “We cannot rewrite the past, only strive for a better future.”

“And what future is that?” Vintor challenged.

“Youtellme,” I said matter-of-factly. “What future would you like to see?”

Vintor huffed. “It is foryouto telluswhat you have to offer, just like Jardan has done. We’re not spoon feeding you any answers. You claim you want to do right by us, show us what efforts you’re putting into it.”

Approving whispers rose in the room at his words.

“Then I’d be imposingmythoughts and preferences on you instead of meetingyourneeds,” I said in all sincerity. “I am not a hybrid. Beyond the abuse I witnessed or heard of, I cannot begin to imagine what your lives have been like. No pureblood has endured what you have, so we have no clue what you need today. I can speculate, but it would only be a wild guess, and probably one completely off the mark. I’m not a mind-reader. Help me help you.”

“So you want us to send a list of demands?” Vintor asked in an obnoxious tone.

To my pleasant surprise, it felt flat with the others this time. My words were apparently finally starting to get through to them.

“No,” I replied calmly. “I want us to initiate an open dialogue as to the various ways Braxia can help hybrids have a better future, be it back on Braxia or elsewhere. I also realize that after changing the law, we have done little if nothing to help the hybrids who have remained on our homeworld. For this reason, once this shelter closes, I am hoping Dawn will agree to come work with us on Braxia to define assistance and integration programs, and whatever else is necessary to help hybrids achieve their full potential and claim their lawful place among us.”

All eyes turned to my female. I hadn’t meant to put her on the spot like this, and yet a shameless part of me felt no qualms at using whatever underhanded means were necessary to keep her with me. To my surprise, Vintor didn’t go on another vitriolic rant but took on a speculating expression as if to assess how her coming to Braxia could serve his purpose.

“Last but not least, while we have done too little for hybrids since the edict, there is something tangible that I can make happen for all of you,” I continued. “Vintor accurately pointed out that many of you still bear the scars of the abuse you endured on Braxia, which have left some of you with permanent disabilities. I was able to secure the assistance of a Veredian healer. As their peacekeeping vessel will be patrolling in this sector next week, they have agreed to stop on Haven for a day or two to mend all the hybrids who wish it.”

Disbelieving gasps rose in the room. Even Dawn pressed a palm to her chest, her eyes filled with shock and wonder.

“A Veredian?” Jaek repeated. “Is it true that they can revert any injury, including growing back amputated limbs?”

I smiled gently. “Yes, Jaek. They can fully heal what was done to you. So I strongly recommend that none of you miss this opportunity, as they will not return to this area for at least eight weeks. All their services will be entirely free of charge.”

I didn’t add that seeing Jaek a few days ago and the terrible burn scar he still bore had given me the idea of reaching out to Mercy’s sisters. Seeing the most grievously injured in the crowd perk up with hope clearly didn’t sit well with Vintor. He clenched his teeth before glaring at me.

What the fuck is his problem?

“I’m sure my brothers will be grateful for whatever aid the Veredians can offer,” Vintor conceded with a condescending tone. “But it will take far more than this to bribe us.”

I recoiled. “Bribe you? In exchange for what?”

“In exchange for the loyalty of all hybrids, especially of the one you fear will dethrone you,” Vintor said with malicious glee.

Years of training allowed me to keep a neutral expression despite the shock I felt. How in the world did that son of a krillik know about Gavin’s rise in fame? Had it been brewing for a long time, and I’d simply been too blind to it until recently?

The absence of surprise from the others as they muttered their agreement confirmed these rumors—founded or otherwise—had traveled far and wide for quite some time.

“No one can secure the throne of Braxia through bribes. It takes both tremendous physical and mental strength to become and remain Magnar. While I am slated to inherit the throne as is my birthright, anyone is welcome to challenge me for the role, as per Braxian law. I will take on any and all challenges with honor and abide by its outcome. In the end, the right man will rule Braxia.”

“And who’s the right man? You?” Vintor asked with a hint of disdain.

“I can only strive to be the best possible ruler. But Fate will determine who the right man is,” I replied calmly. “As for—”

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