Page 6 of Keran's Dawn

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“This is fucking idiotic!” Melinda shouted. “You don’t know those guys. They’re buttering you up, telling you what you want to hear instead of what’s truly awaiting you. And you’re all falling for it!”

“We’re not fucking children for you to order around!” Vintor snapped back.

“WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?” I shouted as I hurried towards them.

“You can ask the genius over here,” Melinda replied angrily while gesturing at Vintor with her head. I glared at her, but she ignored me, clearly too incensed to be reasoned with. “Since there won’t be a meeting tonight after all, I’m going home. He can explain to you how everyone else is otherwise engaged.”

Without waiting for my response, Melinda stormed past me.

“Melinda!” I called out after her, but she ignored me and exited the building, slamming the door shut behind her. Rolling my eyes in aggravation, I turned to Vintor. “What the fuck was that about? Where is everyone?”

Vintor lifted his strong chin defiantly, his broad jaw clenched, and a stubborn glint shining in his deep green eyes.

“They are attending the meeting with Jardan,” he said in a challenging tone. “It is the information session for all of those wanting to sign up for the various positions they have opened for us.”

“The Guldans?” I exclaimed disbelievingly. “Surely you know by now that you can’t trust these people. They’re going to use you!”

He bared his teeth, his angry frown making his strong brow even more prominent as he took a menacing step towards me. It didn’t frighten or intimidate me in the least. Most people would be cowering before him right now, but I knew better. Although Braxians—including hybrids—were quick to anger, they displayed far greater control than people assumed they possessed. Unfortunately, this largely contributed to the bad reputation of Braxian males.

While he might get into a brawl with another hybrid, he would never raise his hand to a male of a species clearly weaker, and least of all to a female.

“They’re giving us the type of opportunities no one else ever has or ever will,” he hissed. “This is our chance to finally leave this rock.”

“And go where?” I challenged.

“Anywhere! Be it Braxia or anywhere else. Any other place will always be better than here. This planet is snuffing the very life out of us. There is no hope, no prospect. They are using us as grunts. To them, we’re barely more than slave labor. You wanted us to come here to discuss the outcome of your meeting with the Twelve. We didn’t need it. We already know they refused to do anything about this killer hunting us. So we will not stay here and be slain.”

As much as I hated the thought of them falling under the guile of the Guldans, I couldn’t argue with most of his statements. Guldans were well-known for their cutthroat and less-than-honorable tactics when it came to pulling a fast one on the people foolish enough to enter blindly into any types of agreements with them. Based on the troubling incidents that had occurred a few years back on Braxia, I couldn’t help suspecting that these Guldans were up to no good.

“And what type of opportunities are they actually offering you? What are you going to do? And what is it going to cost you?” I pressed him, my wheels spinning in a desperate attempt to find a way to convince him and the others that this was not the right decision for them.

“Paid security work,” he said proudly.

“Security or mercenary?” I asked in a dubious tone.

“What does it matter?” he challenged. “At the end of the day, they’re offering better pay and better conditions than what we have here. They will provide us with proper training, high end equipment, and travel aboard top-of-the-line space ships. With the crumbs we get here, it would take us a lifetime to save enough to travel off world. We’re almost all in our forties. These are our prime years. We cannot let this golden opportunity slip through our fingers.”

I shook my head in disbelief, looking desperately for the words that might sway him. And yet, I understood all too well his yearning. The Guldans had known exactly what to offer the hybrids to make it nearly impossible for them to refuse.

Vintor’s anger and heated demeanor faded almost as quickly as it had surged. His face took on what most would deem a frightening air, but which actually corresponded to a Braxian’s soft and tender expression. My stomach instantly knotted, dread washing over me in anticipation of what would come next.

“We all know that this place will be shutting down soon,” Vintor said in a gentle tone. “Everyone is grown up and has moved out. You’re almost always alone in Genxia. All those who haven’t set roots here are currently rounding up at the meeting location. We’re all going to leave Haven. What will you do then?”

I shrugged, my throat tightening. That thought had been weighing on me for some time now. I just never imagined it would happen so quickly.

“There are plenty of organizations here who could use my skills. Or maybe I’ll go to Earth or one of the other colonies looking for public servants,” I said in a tone that I hoped came across as nonchalant and unconcerned.

“You can’t afford a trip to Earth,” Vintor countered with a huff.

“I have some savings,” I said defiantly. “Anyway, I would look for employment first so that my relocation would be covered in my hiring package.”

“And go to some unknown place, where you have no friends and no one to look after you?” he argued.

I shrugged again. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“Or you could let me take care of you.”

I groaned inwardly. The speed at which he had spoken those words confirmed he had been looking for the perfect opening to slip them in. The minute his face had softened, I had known that was coming.

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