Page 67 of Keran's Dawn

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His expression immediately hardened.“Sit down,”he ordered, his voice vibrating.

Angry tears pricked my eyes as my body complied with his compulsion. For a split second, I tried to resist it, but the sensation of sharp needles stabbing at the back of my eyes immediately returned, forcing me to relent. If fighting his commands could truly cause serious brain damage, this specific demand was not worth challenging. I would bide my time until I could strike.

As I took a seat, I watched the Sarenian grab one of the two chairs by the table and bring it near me. He set it down about a meter directly in front of me before settling in it. For some strange reason, my gut told me he was doing this to keep me at ease instead of sitting next to me. And I hated to admit that it did make me more comfortable.

He crossed his legs and leaned back in his seat. Tilting his head to the side, he examined me the way one would a fascinating creature that didn’t quite make sense to them.

“Isn’t it easier this way?” he asked in his normal voice as if speaking to a misbehaving child.

I pressed my lips together to silence the sharp remark that burned my tongue. Not fooled in the least, Deimos smirked, more amused by my rebellious personality than offended by it.

“There is fire in you that isn’t obvious at first glance,” Deimos said pensively. “I can see why the Braxian Prince was drawn to you.”

“Where is he? Where’s Keran? What have you done to him?” I asked, worry knotting my insides.

Deimos slightly frowned. “You shouldn’t still care so much for a pureblood. But then, I guess this case is slightly unique.”

“What do you mean?”

He waved a dismissive hand. “Like you, Keran is one of my guests. Before you waste your time and energy trying to change the inevitable, know that no one is coming to rescue you.”

“We shared the location of this meeting with the rest of his crew,” I blurted out.

The indulgent smile he gave me confirmed my worst fears.

“I am well aware, and it doesn’t matter. They are also my guests,” Deimos said with a shrug. “Although we suspected—and hoped—the Prince would try to meddle in our meeting, the minute he communicated with the peacekeepers, our informant warned us. So we expected them, just not you.”

I wanted to scream with rage and helpless anger. Of course, everything we shared with the local authorities would have been passed down to the Sarenians. No wonder they remained two steps ahead of us.

“But even if the Prince’s crew had managed to communicate our location to someone else, this is a modular spaceship. We’ve been airborne for over an hour now since we released the other hybrids. We will not land again until the next meeting—which will naturally be in a different location.”

I reined in the panic that wanted to surge within me. “What are you going to do to Keran and his men? You already have your drug. Please don’t hurt him… don’t hurt them.”

The air of guilt that crossed his features struck me like a dagger straight to the heart.

“I truly am sorry, Dawn. Whatever you may think of me, I take no pleasure in this. The Prince and his men also have a purpose. But fear not, you will forget him.”

“Never!” I hissed.

“Of course, you will,” he replied, unfazed. “You are meant for another with whom you are Attuned.”

I recoiled at this unexpected comment. Even more disturbing was the fact that Jaek’s face immediately flashed before my mind’s eye.

Could it be?

Whatever the case may be, that changed nothing to my need—duty even—to find a way to save Keran and his men. Before I could say as much, Deimos’s eyes began to glow, and his voice took on that dreaded unnatural vibration.

“Cast aside your infatuation with Keran. He was a fling and nothing more. Embrace the feelings you’ve always had for your one true love, the one who has been patiently waiting for you to be ready to start your future together.”

Each word felt like a hammer. And although he never mentioned the name of this “one true love” I should embrace, my head knew it could only be Jaek.

My head or my heart?

Yes, I had always had strong feelings for Jaek. Had Keran not entered my life, I would have married Jaek. Sarenians—like Korletheans—could see souls and know beyond any doubt if two souls vibrated in harmony. However unpleasant his words, Deimos had been truthful with me since he walked in here. Therefore, I had no reason to doubt him stating I was Attuned to someone else. Could it truly be no more than an infatuation with Keran? A small voice at the back of my mind was shouting no. And yet, the facts couldn’t be denied.

But the Sarenian didn’t give me a chance to process my conflicting emotions as his vibrating voice once more commanded me.

“As soon as I leave, you will eat the meal I have brought you, and then get a good night’s sleep to digest and assimilate all that you have learned today about the evil of the Korletheans and how to save the purebloods from themselves. Be up and dressed by eight. I will see you then.”
