Page 8 of Keran's Dawn

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“She’s a snake and a dreadful mother,” Mercy hissed. “There is no question in my mind she would have slit your throat in your sleep had you made the mistake of marrying that wretch.”

I snorted. “Probably. But I didn’t need her maternal skills, only her strong bloodline. As she voluntarily renounced her rights, we will no longer have to contend with her delightful presence.”

“Good!” Mercy said firmly. “She would have ruined those sons of yours. But don’t you worry. These boys will never lack for maternal affection.”

Even as she spoke those words, she turned to look at Neyti, who smiled before leaning down and kissing Argos’s forehead. Mercy walked towards them and picked up Kratos. Barely a couple of months over two years, my firstborn adored his grandmother. His hand immediately reached for her left horn caressing it even as he kissed her cheek. She kissed him back, giving him an affectionate hug that had the boy purring in delight.

My heart filled with love for Mercy. She had been a blessing to my father, to this house, and to our people. With her and Neyti, my sons would indeed never lack for maternal love.

“Come on,” she said to Neyti. “Let’s take them to the kitchen. Rehata is preparing some treats for my little hellions. I’m sure there will be some for these two as well.”

She winked at me before returning inside the fortress. I smiled back, something akin to longing surging through me. Mercy was so strong, so smart, and yet so gentle like only a female could be. How could I ever find a Dagna of my own that could live up to her?

Heaving a sigh, I walked through the imposing doors of the fortress on my way to my father’s private Council room. As usual, Father met an hour early with his closest and trusted Councilmen before the rest of the Council gathered. Sometimes, it was merely to catch up with old friends, other times, it allowed us to strategize in a preliminary meeting before the others arrived to debate a topic we already knew would be contentious.

My footsteps echoed loudly as I crossed the Great Hall where my father held public audiences. Pride filled my heart at the sight of the Xeldar banner behind the throne made of stones and bones. For five generations now, it had held this place of highest honor. All around me, in between the massive windows through which light flooded the room, the smaller banners of the various clans of Braxia hung on the light beige walls.

Once more, it reminded me of the heavy weight that sat on my shoulders.

Hastening through the side door at the back, I entered the short hallway to the private Council chamber. Tagar, one of my father’s two bodyguards, sat outside the room.

“They just started,” he said in response to my inquisitive look.

I nodded and smiled. He smiled back before resuming reading on his datapad. I opened the door to find my father, Krygor, Fenton, and my brother Ganek in an animated discussion about last night’s Breikor match. I nodded in greeting as I took my seat across the massive table from my sire.

Leaning back in my seat, I let my gaze roam over the hunting trophies on the walls. Each one of those horns, bones, and skulls belonged to some of Braxia’s fiercest predators which my father had single handedly slain.

“Rough morning with your concubine?” my father asked with a sympathetic glimmer in his pitch-black eyes.

I snorted. “Hardly. She’s one headache I’ve finally put to rest for good.”

The four males all gave me the same stunned expression.

“For good?” Krygor echoed.

I nodded. “This time, Dana didn’t threaten to return to her father’s compound if I didn’t give into one of her countless demands.Iasked her to leave.”

“Ancestors! While I’m sure that news will sadden no one here—especially the servants—I can’t help but wonder which stunt she pulled to finally make you say enough,” Ganek said with an amused and curious expression.

“Same,” my father said.

I grinned. “Actually, she didn’t do anything… for once. I’m leaving Braxia for probably a month. You know how insufferable Dana becomes when I’m not around to keep her in check. I was counting the days until she had completed her nursing year for our younglings. Considering there are only a couple of weeks left, I decided to end it now and be done.”

“I bet that went down well,” Krygor said with a snort. “With her ego, Dana must not have appreciated her time getting cut short and being summarily dismissed.”

“She certainly felt slighted. But making her leave while I was away would have been too rude, and you know her clan would have taken offense to that,” I said.

“That, they certainly would have,” Fenton said, rolling his eyes. “But your boys are still Clan Leader Soraj’s grandsons. As long as they remain your heirs, he will support your ascension and your reign. He simply hoped you would have made his daughter your Dagna to further secure their position with House Xeldar.”

I snorted. “And he had apparently passed that message along to her. After questioning the wisdom of my decision, Dana thought to make me jealous by claiming she has many suitors,” I replied mockingly.

The men burst out laughing, the same incredulous expression plastered on all their faces.

“Talk about being clueless,” my father said, shaking his head. “The suitors are after that overly generous dowry you gave her.”

I smiled. “With her charming personality, I knew that only such a large amount would convince her not to make too much of a fuss to leave once she’d served her purpose. This trip gave me an excuse to push her out sooner. The only reason Mercy and the staff didn’t kill that wretched female was her pregnancies. Without me around, Dana wouldn’t have survived a week. Your wife would have whipped that bladed braid of hers so fast, Dana wouldn’t have had time to squeal before her head would be rolling on the floor.”

The men laughed again, pride and respect brimming in my father’s, brother’s, and Fenton’s eyes, while an approvingly sadistic glimmer shone in Krygor’s eyes.

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