Page 13 of Anton's Grace

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I leaned forward. “You read the contract. I fucking own you. You will do what I tell you or face punishment.”

“Then I’ll take the damn punishment,” she said, lifting her chin.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she snarled.

“As you wish,” I said, draining my cup.

After wiping my mouth and my hands, I rose from my chair and headed out of the kitchen.

“Come,” I said over my shoulder without checking if she followed.

Her chair scraped against the floor, then I heard her light footsteps behind me. I called the lift. The door opened seconds after Grace caught up with me. I gestured for her to get in before following after her. She stared at me, bug-eyed, as I pressed my thumb to the scanner before pressing the button to the secured lowest level of the space station.

“Where are we going?” she asked with a thin voice.

“You’ll see.”

She wrung her hands while the lift made its quick descent to the bowels of Venus Hive. The door opened to a long, narrow corridor with rows of locked doors. I walked to the one at the very end and placed my eye in front of the retinal scanner, then my thumb on the print scanner. The door slid open with a soft swish.

It revealed a large, semi-circular room. The arched wall flowed as one continuous window displaying the endless void of space. Starlight lit the dark room. Grace’s wary gaze drew my attention. I met it head on.


She glanced at the room, chewing her lip, then complied. She untied her sarong which she had knotted at the front and the luxurious fabric slid off her body. I extended a hand and she gave it to me with shaky fingers.


She hesitated. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times. Grace swallowed audibly then bent to pull off her high heels. I took the shoes from her and walked to a section of the back wall, by the door. A panel slid open, revealing a shelf onto which I placed the scarf and shoes.

“Ring,” I said, and a faint circle lit the ground in the center of the room.

I motioned with my chin for Grace to go stand in the middle. She looked at it, then at me, her lips quivering.

She wrapped her arms around her midriff. “What are you going to do, Anton?”

“Go,” I said, showing no emotion.

Not knowing what was about to happen, terrified her. It was intended.

She swallowed again before taking hesitant steps towards the ring. Once she reached the center, she faced me. Even now, naked, trembling in the stark empty room with nothing but a curtain of stars behind her, she was the most beautiful creature I’d ever beheld. I fought the urge to drag her back to my room and fuck her senseless.

“Last chance,” I said. “You can come with me, and do as you’re told, or you can spend the next twenty-four hours here. Your call.”

Her eyes welled, and the trembling of her lips spread to her chin, but she shook her head. I couldn’t help admire her determination. This display of strength was unexpected… and refreshing.

“As you wish,” I said with a nod. “Bars.”

No sooner had I spoken, a tight ring of bars rose from the ground, caging her. She yelped, looking around her as they lifted to the ceiling. As they made contact, they stopped with a clank that echoed loudly through the empty room. Grace stared, wide-eyed, as a circular grid descended from the ceiling towards her. She tried pushing against the grid, her arm shaking from the strain. The pressure forced her down until she buckled, her knees slamming onto the metal plated floor.

“Anton!” she cried out, fearing she would be crushed.

The terror in her eyes tore at me. Pushing my shoulders back, I steeled myself in my resolve. The top grid stopped its descent, a little under four feet above the floor. Grace looked at me horrified through the narrow space between the bars. The cage was too low to stand in, too small to lie down in and just enough space between the bars for her to wrap her hands around them.

“You can’t leave me here!”

“I’ll see you in twenty-four hours.” I turned and walked towards the door.
