Page 41 of Anton's Grace

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William offered me a bit more water. I drank a few more sips but refused to drink it all. Eighteen hours would be a long time to go with a full bladder. With one last smile, he got up and left.

Imust have dozed off because the sudden burning sensation of the bars sliding against my skin startled me awake. My teeth chattered slightly, and the insidious cold had me frozen to the bone. Feeling groggy, it took me a moment to realize this shouldn’t be happening yet. William only came by once and I didn’t think it was all that long ago either. I blinked to make out the silhouette by the door.


Before I could think further, the bars disappeared into the floor, leaving me without support. My arms were too numb to hold me up so I collapsed, barely managing to hold my head up. Disbelieving, I watched Anton’s retreating back as he left me there, sprawled naked on the cold floor. My eyes prickled and a vise-like grip crushed my chest. Even though he released me sooner than last time, him abandoning me like this killed something inside me.

I rolled onto my back, opening and closing my hands to bring some feeling back to them. They felt like they were stuck in a leather glove too small for them. The dreaded pins and needles began to spread. Seconds later, my muscles contracted, a sharp cutting pain shooting through both my legs. I cried out, contorting this way and that to loosen the cramps. When they finally receded, I tried to get up on my feet, but the cramps came back with a vengeance. My brain felt foggy, my head heavy and that cold bit at me.

Gritting my teeth, I decided to crawl towards my dress still lying on the floor. Tears of pain and anger soaked my face.

Never again… He won’t fool me ever again.

Horrible childhood or not, he couldn’t excuse this. Marcus and I also had a difficult childhood. That didn’t make me want to hurt people every time they upset me. William said Anton was a good guy. For a while, I thought so too. Not anymore. The floor’s metal plating squeaked against my skin as I crawled forward. The slick surface provided little grip and the muscles of my arms burned by the time I reached my dress. Putting it on became a challenge. Any attempt to sit up or fold my legs triggered precursor muscle spasms. To make matters worse, I felt dizzy and feverish.

I eventually managed to get into my dress but not the shoes. Walking in those stilettos guaranteed to pull on all the wrong muscles. I crawled to the door, dragging the shoes behind me. Using the door frame for support, I pulled myself onto my feet. Right on cue, a vicious cramp seized the back of my calf. I ground my teeth through it, flexing my leg and foot until it faded. Holding on to the wall, I limped my way to the lift. The corridor swirled around me, and my stomach churned.

What’s wrong with me?

The ride up was quick, but crossing the large living area at the entrance of the penthouse would be a challenge. My legs were shaky. There were no walls to lean on between here and the other side of the room where a wide corridor led to the sleeping quarters. Furniture would have to do.

I began the slow journey down the three steps into the living area when I heard the lift chime behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I was surprised to see William who seemed just as stunned to see me. In no time, he realized my predicament. Closing the distance between us, he lifted me into his arms. I almost wept with gratitude. We entered the bedroom as Anton walked out of the bathroom, drying his chin as if he had just shaved.

My blood curdled. Would he consider William carrying me another offense? His expression went from shocked to seething. But it was William he glared at, not me.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he snarled.

“What you should have done,” William answered, leveling Anton with a cold stare.

I gawked at William. He carefully put me down on my pet cushion. I curled up in a ball while he pulled my blanket over me. My eyes remained on Anton who never looked my way. Once done, William turned to face Anton.

“My office,” Anton hissed, then walked out.

“Indeed,” William said, following in his wake.

I wanted to tell Anton not to be mad at William, but my eyes wouldn’t stay open.

Chapter 14


Amillion thoughts raced through my mind as I stormed into my office. How dare he carry her and care for her? William knew I was the only person with the clearance to disable the cage. If she was out and making her way back on her own, then he knew it was by my will. I went straight to the bar and poured myself a glass of brandy. The sound of the door closing echoed behind me. I tossed back my drink in one shot, welcoming the burn as it slid down my throat.

“How dare you challenge me?” I asked, turning to face William.

The fury in his eyes rivaled mine.

What the hell has gotten into him?

“No,boy. The question is rather how dare you treat that sweet girl like that?”

What the hell?

I gaped at him, unable to believe what I was hearing. William hadn’t called me ‘boy’ in more than a decade.

“How I treat my property is none of your business.”

William snorted. “Property,” he muttered, shaking his head. “So an elder tells you your honor has been redeemed, and you go into full Braxian mode?”
