Page 62 of Anton's Grace

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Ravik lifted his chin. “Yes. I knew they would eventually challenge you. Why do you think I sent those three idiots with Pattel?”

I shook my head in disbelief.

“For what it’s worth, the consultations are genuine. Had you not fought back, I ordered Pattel to keep you safe. However, I didn’t think you would take it lying down, and you didn’t disappoint.”

His comment touched me. Ravik was only a few years younger than my father. I was a sucker for paternal approval.

“How does renouncing my clan benefit you if your goal is to show they shouldn’t kill half-breeds?”

Ravik’s grin broadened and he spread his arm on the backseat of the couch, staking claim. “By giving the Empire a big fuck you. By showing all Braxians you don’t need them; they need you. By reminding them, just like you reminded Clan Caldes, that a half-breed owns them.”

I narrowed my eyes and he chuckled. I thought my trails better covered.

“Without the protection of my clan, the others might come after Grace or me. Worse still, they could come after any child we have.”

“And face my wrath. Renounce, and I will make you Friend of the Empire.”

That knocked the wind out of me. As long as Ravik remained in power, that title effectively made me untouchable. Anyone who attacked a Friend of the Empire not only forfeited his life, he also brought down the banishment of his entire clan.

“You have given me much to think about.”

“I thought you’d feel that way,” Ravik said as he rose from his seat. “The hour is late. I must depart. Although, I would see your mate one last time.”

“Naturally,” I said, pretending he hadn’t called Grace my mate.

This time, she came enthusiastically. It bothered me a little. Somehow, Grace guessed the nature of his loss and gave him what he needed. Comfort.

Grace’s hands looked tiny when she placed them in Ravik’s. She held his gaze, a gentle smile on her lips.

“You take good care of your mate, little Grace.”

Her eyes widened, but she didn’t challenge his choice of words. “Yes, Magnar.”

“Ravik,” he corrected. “When we meet in private, I would have you call me Ravik.”

“Yes, Ravik.”

He smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“Anton,” he said, with a farewell nod.

I bowed. “Magnar Ravik.”

He snorted. “That was meant for you as well, silly man.”

My throat tightened at the tremendous honor. “My apologies, Ravik.”

“Until we meet again,” he smiled, entering the lift.

Chapter 19


Two months passed since the Magnar’s first visit. He came twice more after that. At first, he terrified me. Seeing how roughly Gerwin handled me at Sade, I didn’t know what to expect. His careful, almost tender touch baffled me. But when he asked me to say his name, and his reaction finally made it clear – I reminded him of someone he had deeply cared about. Romero would be proud how I applied his teachings. Between playing the part of a Braxian concubine, and assessing what my audience – the Magnar – wanted, my performance deserved a standing ovation.

To be fair, I didn’t need much acting to deal with the Magnar. After he promised never to hurt me, I realized he was a nice man carrying a lot of pain deep within. It pleased me to soothe some of it. I was growing quite fond of him, especially since he seemed to bear some kind of fatherly affection for Anton. But men, Braxians worst of all, were every shade of awkward when it came to conveying their feelings. Anton and the Magnar seemed to have this big conspiracy thing going on and curiosity chewed away at me.

However, things were going too well between Anton and me to jeopardize them with curiosity. We never spoke of the contract anymore, even though it hung over our heads like a thunder cloud. That didn’t stop us from having wild, raunchy sex over every surface of his office at random times of the day.
