Page 63 of Anton's Grace

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Last month, Anton gave me the greatest surprise. We were leisurely strolling down the walkway, trying to decide which bar to go to when we ran into Marcus. Even though Anton admitted his mistake after punishing me, I didn’t know how he would react. I missed Marcus but couldn’t seem to find an appropriate way to broach the topic. In a way, it felt cowardly not to address that issue now with Marcus nearby, but I was picking my battles.

When he noticed us, Marcus hesitated, giving us a polite nod from a distance. To his shock and mine, Anton sauntered towards him. After a friendly greeting, we talked about interesting clubs on the main walkway. Marcus suggested a couple he particularly enjoyed. Midway through the conversation, Anton asked Marcus to address him by his first name. He then told him to come visit any time because I missed him. Staring at Anton, I blinked away the tears welling up. I pressed myself against him and he held me close. My lips against his neck, I whispered a soft thank you. He kissed the top of my head before releasing me.

When I glanced back at Marcus, the look on his face spoke of his happiness for me. He wanted this for me. Since then, Marcus and I met at least once a week. Sometimes at the penthouse, sometimes at a restaurant. Anton didn’t question me or hover around us during those visits.

I was falling in love with Anton, and it scared me. Part of me couldn’t dismiss his violence, even after two and a half months of peace. That didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again with the right trigger. I felt torn between protecting myself and seizing the moment – giving what was blossoming between us a chance to grow.

Only seven weeks remained on our contract and Anton showed every sign of wanting to continue. But more importantly, I was three weeks away from my first show. It wouldn’t be a full show. I would do the first part of Seria’s – two songs; one at the beginning of the show, the other right after the intermission. Romero and I discussed what my debut performance should be like. We agreed that a tiny set to whet appetites was better than a full-length program. It would also be a test for us to see what to adjust.

That show scared the fuck out of me. It had been years since I’d felt any kind of nerves before going on stage. I had never worked so hard for anything and that made it more precious. If my show – if I – wasn’t well received, it would crush me. To perform in a VIP venue on Venus Hive, to be admired and lauded by the elite had been my greatest dream. Yet, as I walked towards the backstage of the rehearsal auditorium, I realized the elite’s opinions didn’t matter the most. I wanted this to be a success for my three men, Anton, Marcus, and Romero. They had believed in me, invested in me and supported me, each in their own special way. This would be my thank you for giving me the confidence and means to chase after my dream.

My dancer trio should already be on stage awaiting me. Romero would join us in thirty minutes, after our warm-up. We were still writing the choreography for the second song. I would perform the first song solo, to showcase my voice. The second song would display my showmanship; sexy, classy, with plenty of flash and dazzle.

As I approached the curtains, a horrible sense of déja vu swept over me as the voices of gossiping dancers reached me. I stopped.

“I wonder how she can still walk after banging Mr. Ant, let alone dance. Did you see the size of his thing?”

That was Marlina’s voice. A pretty strawberry blonde, with a to-die-for hourglass figure. An overly prominent nose and a bitchy attitude kept her from being beautiful. She was a talented dancer, but her mouth prevented her from landing long term gigs.

“How would you know what size Ant’s cock is?” Sacha’s voice asked. “There is no way in hell he got naked for you.”

“Unlike certain wannabes in this room,” Marlina said, “I performed at Sade’s grand opening. I was in the front row seat when Ant whipped it out and Miss Gracie polished his knob like no one’s business. Fuck, she can deep-throat with the best of them. Watching her go down on his hammer, I wished I had a cock of my own to get head like that.”

I gripped the curtain. In my anger, I could feel my nails digging into my palms through the thickness of the fabric. Yeah, I could give mean head and took pride in it. But Marlina made it sound cheap and dirty.

“I don’t think we should talk about that,” Carrie said, her annoying nasal voice echoing through the room. “Grace probably wouldn’t like it.”

“Oh stop being such a tight cunt,” Marlina said. “Everyone on the fucking station wonders about them. You should have seen her outfit that night with that crazy fluffy tail up her ass. It was epic. For sure they’ve done anal. Her asshole must be the size of a fucking wormhole to–”

“That’s enough, Marlina,” Sacha snapped. “Look, you may be better than the rest of us ‘wannabes’ but we’ve got a pretty damn good gig here. Grace is super nice with us. And I’m not getting fired because you’re talking shit about the boss’ girlfriend.”

My face heated with humiliation. That fucking outfit had been such a source of embarrassment. I couldn’t believe the little bitch was talking so much shit, knowing I was on my way here.

“Sacha kind of has a point,” Carrie said.

“Whatever, you bunch of pussies.” Marlina’s voice dripped with contempt. “But she’s not his girlfriend. She’s his cum bucket. We all know he bought her ass.”

“He’s walking around with her like she’s his wife, not his whore,” Sacha said. “You do know that he castrated that Sarenian that tried to rape her at the Viaggo, right?”

Anton had made a brutal example of that Sarenian. Not only did he castrate him, but he also burned his retinas and slashed his vocal cords. That man would never rape another woman or mesmerize anyone again. After getting maimed, the Sarenian was put on display in a cage at the main junction between the Commons and the VIP sections so patrons would know what would befall them if they broke the laws of the station. Although, people said it was what would happen if you messed with the boss’ woman.

“Either way,” Sacha said, “that’s none of our business. We’re here to dance.”

“I’m not talking shit, just stating facts,” Marlina argued. “Then again, she’s a hot squeeze and plays him like a pro. If you stop being such an uptight pussy, Carrie, I might take you along to Sade. I bet you’d love to see how she swallows a monster cock.”

“You could get me in?” Carrie asked, sounding excited.

“No, she can’t,” Sacha said. “She got her ass fired. Why the hell would you even want to do that, Carrie?”

“I didn’t get fired. My contract ended,” Marlina said.

That was a lie. Marissa, the owner, fired her for her stinky attitude.

“Come on, Sacha, everyone wants to go to Sade,” Carrie said. “It’s impossible for people like us to get in.”

“Forget her, Carrie,” Marlina said. “I’ll get you in and you’ll see why Mr. Ant’s ugly ass is burning so much money on her. She must have been a teen hooker or something to be able to fake it so good while that ape is riding her.”

My pulse raced and my skin tingled with the first tremors of anxiety at the thought of a confrontation. But I’ve had enough. I was tired of people walking all over me, talking down to me, and taking advantage of me. Eyes closed, I fisted my hands to control their trembling and took three deep breaths to center myself. Silencing the insecurities that threatened to rob me of my will, I pushed my shoulders back and stepped onto the stage.
