Page 8 of Anton's Grace

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“I want you to come for me, Grace. Right here, right now. And I want you to be discreet. Can you do that for me?” Anton whispered, his lips brushing against my ear.


“Do you have any idea how fucking hard it makes me when you say my name like that?” Anton said through gritted teeth. His thumb started rubbing my clit. “Kiss me, Grace, and come for me.”

Anton’s commanding tone made my stomach flip-flop. My skin tingled expectantly. Grateful for an excuse to hide my face from the patrons’ prying eyes, I crushed my lips against his. Anton’s tongue took over my mouth and, at the same time, he increased the intensity of the vibration of the beads. He swallowed my barely repressed scream of ecstasy as my orgasm overwhelmed me. The vibration blessedly slowed, then stopped. Anton broke our kiss. Shaking, I brought my legs together. I leaned against the backrest, trying to collect myself.

“Good girl,” Anton whispered with a soft kiss on my temple.

The buxom waitress returned with our drinks. Her knowing smile told me she delayed bringing them to us to give us a bit of privacy. Avoiding eye contact with her, I took a large sip of wine, forcing myself not to down the entire glass in one go.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” I said after the waitress left.

He swirled his wine in his glass. “Why not?”

I took a quick look at the room. “People could have seen us… probably did see us the way they’re all staring.”

One of the patrons winked at me while a few others averted their eyes.

“And you loved every bit of it,” he deadpanned. At my incredulous stare, he continued, “The thought of getting caught excites the fuck out of you. You like being watched. Even now, you love that every single person in this room has their mind on you, wondering what I’m doing to you. The thought of them watching my hand slip into you makes you wet. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Trying to hide the heat creeping up my cheeks, I took another gulp of the fruity wine. I would never admit how right he was. A shiver ran up my spine, realizing how well he seemed to know me.

I gave him an inquisitive look. “Doesn’t it bother you what people say?”

Anton shook his head while taking a sip of his wine. “I don’t give two shits what these people think about me. I’d have air locked myself into space a long time ago if I did. The only thing that matters to me is the fact that I finally have what I want.”

The weight of his eyes on me made clear what… who he was referring to. Our food arriving prevented me from asking him to clarify what he meant. This was the second time Anton hinted at having wanted me for a while.

The meal was on a whole other level. Not only was the plating beautiful and refined, but the flavors and textures were divine. I didn’t know what the food was, only that the meat was juicy, tender and seasoned to perfection. The side dishes were fresh and ideally paired with the main course. I especially liked the sautéed vegetables. Crispy, just on this side of spicy hot. They didn’t set your throat on fire but gave your tongue a nice little tingle. How could I ever go back to the greasy gruel I once believed the epitome of fine dining?

A stunning woman walked into the restaurant. I recognized her as Sheila Vincent. While I was fairly confident in my own beauty, Sheila took hot to the extreme. The platinum blonde was tall and sexy, with out-of-this-world curves. Thigh length curly golden hair framed a breathtaking face with sharp cheekbones, startling blue eyes, and plush lips made to wrap around a man’s cock. Like me, she was a singer. Unlike me, she performed in her own big-ticket show in the Hive’s VIP section. A number of patrons greeted her along the way, while others were content to admire her from a distance. As she walked past our table, Sheila cast a smoldering look at Anton and saluted him with a nod. He returned the gesture and watched her strut her way to a table near the stage.

Fuck that bitch.

Taken aback by my bout of jealousy, I looked away. Why should I care who he looks at? I knew better than to fall back into my old patterns, especially this soon. Marcus cheated on me so many times I had grown numb to it. Anton wasn’t my boyfriend – I was his exclusive property for the duration of our contract, not the other way around. It scared me that after a single tumble, I was already getting this territorial. But Sheila was no joke.

“Why did you enter into this agreement with me?” I asked, genuinely confused. “What’s in it for you?”

Anton’s gaze roamed over me meaningfully. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Well, yes but, like you said, twelve million credits is a lot. With your position, you can have pretty much any woman you want, for free. Or at least, for way cheaper than this deal.” I glanced at Sheila giving her order to the same buxom waitress that had served us. “Not that I’m ungrateful. You literally saved my life. But I can’t help wondering why.”

Anton took a bite of meat – he had requested his rare – and chewed slowly, as if pondering how he wanted to answer my question or whether to answer it at all. He swallowed and leveled his dark eyes on me.

“Do you remember the first time we met?” he asked.

“On Lilith Hive?”

“No, Grace. A few years ago.”

My eyes widened. I couldn’t recall meeting him before. While Braxians, and especially half-breeds, weren’t all that frequent in my usual circles, I had met a number of both over the years. But I never paid them much attention; they all looked the same to me. Come to think of it, I had noticed an unusually high number of Braxian half-breeds on the sanctuary planet Haven when I last performed there a year ago.

“I thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen,” Anton said, a strange glitter in his eyes. “From that moment, I never stopped fantasizing about you writhing under me as I plowed into that pussy of yours, or how you’d look with your lips wrapped around my cock.”

That should have offended me, but instead, I felt moisture pool between my legs. Damn that man.

The lights in the room faded while the spotlights on the small stage lit, saving me from replying. The beautiful Seria Gallant walked onto the stage in a skin-tight red dress with a side slit that ran up her thigh. Her small orchestra on the side began playing a jazzy ballad. I watched in awe as Seria swayed to the first notes. Her deep, throaty voice was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

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