Page 12 of Mother's Day Inn

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Who knows? Maybe all we need is one incredible night of tangled limbs and multiple orgasms to get one another out of our systems. But even as I think it, it tastes bitter, like a lie.

Something terrifying tells me that one time would only open a door I’d never be able to shut.

That Theo isn’t someone I’d ever forget.

A heavy knock on my door draws me from the thoughts, and for a second, I appreciate the reprieve.

“Coming,” I call out, pushing my half-eaten salad away before standing and striding toward the door.

When I open it, I’m not sure who I was expecting, but the pretty hostess wasn’t it. The familiar bout of jealousy racks over me, turning my stomach over. I’d forgotten about her. She lit up when I mentioned Theo earlier.

The thought this girl could be an ex makes my skin uncomfortably tight.

“Returning this.” The woman beams, holding up a carefully wrapped rectangle. “Theo dropped it off a few minutes ago and said it was good as new.”

“Oh, thank you.” I take my laptop from her hand. My fingers tighten around the knob as I watch her smile broaden.

“Of course. How’re Carnations’ amenities treating you this far?”

“Amazing. It’s nice being pampered,” I tell her.

“I can imagine. When the idea was brought up to my mom about a Mother’s Day special, she couldn’t believe how she’d never thought of it.”

My brows furrow together. “Your mother?”

The host nods. “Yes. She and my stepfather run it. I’m just helping out on my summer break being home from school.”

An unhealthy amount of relief washes over me as I clarify my thoughts. “So you’re Theo’s sister?”

She nods, holding out a nimble hand. “In the flesh. Mora Beckham.”

I accept her hand, shaking it lightly. Her blue eyes are lighter than his, but I can see the resemblance now. Sharp jaw, angular cheeks, dark hair, though hers is more chocolate while his is almost black.

Upon closer look, I even see the faint scar by her ear. The one she got when she almost drowned when she was three. Theo had told me the story when he was refuting payment for teaching Lyn how to swim.

He’d said she’d manage to put on his life jacket and hers, as well as floaties. So when she was walking, she could barely move and tripped, nicking the side of her face on a broken tile at the edge.

The blood in the pool is what Theo said he’d remembered the most.

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Mora.”

“It’s good to finally meet you.” She releases me. “Well, I’ll be heading back. Please let me know if you need anything.”

Too focused on the use of the wordfinally, I barely utter a response before she disappears back down the stairs.

I want to read into that, but I force the embers of hope to remain at a smolder.

Whatever happens tonight will stay here, and nothing either of us says in the heat of the moment is going to change that.

* * *

Powering up my MacBook, I can immediately tell the difference. The lock screen comes up within seconds, and the keyboard responds to my touch the moment I press a letter.

At home, I’ve been able to deal with it as long as I have because it’s connected to a large monitor and Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. But it also meant I was confined to my office any time I needed to work. I missed being able to sit and work in the backyard while watching Lyn play or have it next to me so that when she fell asleep, I’d be able to get a few things done while finishing our movie.

Ever since I dropped it last year, it hasn’t been the same, but I don’t want to replace it. All of my original work and draft boards are on this—including Lyn’s first pictures. I know I can upload everything in the cloud—which I’ve halfway done—but organizing them into neat folders seems like so much work, and I already have enough to do.

I grab my phone from the bed and pull up my text thread with Theo. I start to type a thank you message, but stop short when my home screen appears. Instead of a screen full of files and screen grabs, Lyn’s gorgeous smile lights up my screen. The same smile that’s usually covered under all of the mess.

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