Page 26 of Mother's Day Inn

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“What’s your plan here?”

Her brows tic together. “What do you mean?”

I stroke the shell of her ear, tilting my head. “Are you still thinking this is a one-time thing you need to get out of your system?”

Her eyes flare. “I—Yes. I mean, maybe? I don’t know, I didn’t—”

“Didn’t what?” One corner of my lips curls in a smirk. I was fully aware she would initially enter this with a one-and-done mindset, and I’ve already prepared to break down every fucking wall.

“Expect this to feel so natural.” She rushes out her words, but each one acts as a balm to all my cracked parts.

I hook a finger under her chin and lift her face higher. The vulnerability is splayed across her features, softening them into something I have the innate need to cherish. She has no idea how absolutely infatuated I am with her. How the fibers of my being have untangled themselves and have reached for hers since the moment our eyes connected.

My parents have told me from a young age that our souls know our mates when they see them, and if we’re ready to receive them, we’ll feel the pull.

It’s nothing like attraction or simple interest. It’s a visceral yank you can feel throughout your entire body, and no matter how hard you think you can ignore it, it consumes you.

Olivia Tran has fucking consumed me, and it’s time she knows it. “Let’s get you ready for dinner, mama.”

Amix of emotions tangles in my chest as I finish showering.

Never in my life have I done something remotely close to that. Something so…intimate.

Giving a blow job? Yes, and it’s always been the worst experience, a literal job I couldn’t wait to end. But with Theo? Knowing I was the reason for those deep groans, the tight grip on my hair, the hunger in his eyes—it lit something deep within me. Every time he tensed, moved harder, breathed faster, it was like gasoline to the flame.

It made me want more. More of his sounds, more of his body’s reactions to me, more of Theo.

He’s coaxed out the side I covered long ago and I don’t want to have to hide it again.

I had to do that my entire marriage with Sam. I had to do it on the very few useless dates that came after. I had to do it when I was watching Theo teach my daughter how to swim and all I wanted to do was jump in and finally kiss him.

It was easier then, though, because I’d never experienced what it’d be like to give in to my desires. I never knew what I was missing.

Now, it will be like trying to fold a fitted sheet like the mom on the video who goes too damn fast and I never get it right. Pieces poke out, it’s misshapen and obviously not done correctly.

That would be me.

I would attempt to settle for less. Something not as fulfilling. But it would show. In every kiss, every embrace, every brush of hands. The person I was with would know something’s not quite right. That I’m no longer content with what they’d give me.

Theo has possibly ruined me in the best ways, yet I’m finding myself angry. Not with him, but with myself.

I don’t want to hold on to the words of my ex. I don’t want to believe that Theo would grow bored of me and move on to the nextoption.

I do want to believe that the way Theo looks at me, the way he’s always looked at me, is because he felt the undercurrent I tried to ignore.

I want to trust that the hunger in his eyes is reserved for me and me alone.

Or maybe I don’t know what I want and my mind is still high from my release, and I’m thinking absolute gibberish?

“Hey, mama.” My eyes snap to the sound of Theo’s voice and find him leaning against the doorframe. Just his presence alone makes my insides quiver in a delicious way, the memory of him filling my mouth, and his hand between my thighs still fresh.

“How we doing over there? You look like you’re zoning out.”

“Maybe a little,” I admit, wiping the foggy window of the shower.

I suck in my bottom lip at the unfiltered sight of him. The slacks he’s changed into are so different from what I’m used to seeing on him. They’re tailored, stopping just above his shined loafers. The white button-down shirt fits perfectly around his muscles, highlighting every one while not being obscenely tight.

I’ve seen him in swim trunks a hundred times over, but the professional Theo in front of me makes my entire body weak, and my core clenches around nothing.

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