Page 27 of Mother's Day Inn

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Theo lifts his chin slightly, his dark blue gaze focusing on my face. It heats under his intense stare and I’m grateful the rest of the shower is fogged up so he can’t see the blush blooming all over my body.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

I huff, though it’s more to distract myself than at what I’m really thinking. “I’m not sure you’ll find them too interesting.”

It’s his turn to grunt. “I’m sure I will. Everything about you is interesting.”

The laugh that pours out of me is dripping with sarcasm. “There’s nothing interesting about a single mom with commitment issues, and an allergy to bees.”

“Perception is a funny thing, Olivia.”

Rinsing the soap from my body, I shrug. “Not really. It’s pretty straightforward. What about me could possibly interest you?”

He kicks himself from the doorframe and takes a slow step in my direction. My throat tightens as he nears, the knowledge the closer he gets the more of me he’ll be able to see washing over me. In the massage room, my libido didn’t allow me to care. But now, I feel exposed. Completely open for him to read.

“I find your choice in adult films rather interesting.”

“More like boring,” I counter.

“No.” He shakes his head, taking another step. “It showed me how starved you are for affection. Real, deep affection. You want a kind of love that’s overwhelming. Once in a lifetime, world-altering.”

An ache shoots across my chest, the truth of his words driving straight into the weak spot of my well-constructed wall.

“I also think your profession is interesting.”

I barely find my voice around the cotton lodged in it. “I organize finances.”

Another step, this one reverberates through my core.

“Yes. You strive on facts, for everything to be balanced and in order. Yet your computer home screen screams how little you let that seep into your real life. You’ve only had sex one way, but every fiber of your being wants it to be wild, unorthodox, and obsessive.”

My wall cracks, the long lines sprawling up the tall sides and allowing little bits to fall off. I couldn’t stop the impending crumble if I tried.

“Here’s the thing, Olivia.” My breath catches in my lungs as he takes his final step, stopping when the toes of his loafers hit the shower’s edge. “You have piqued my interest since the moment I laid eyes on you. Since I saw you and knew you were the last woman I ever wanted to look at.”

With that, he opens the shower door.

I gasp as the cold outside air wraps around me, sprouting goosebumps, but I quickly forget about the chill when Theo grips either side of my face and smashes his lips to mine.

The kiss is not tentative or shy, soft or timid. It’s desperate. Hungry. Pure, unbridled need unleashed in a way that leaves me panting.

Water continues to splash across my back as he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. His tongue simply brushes against my bottom lip, and I open immediately, letting him in to claim every part of me.

My hands grip the front of his shirt as he tilts my head to the side, drawing me against him. He nips at my lip, coaxing little whimpers of desire out of me and I press into him more, desperate to show him the fire rippling through me from his touch.

This is what a kiss is. What wanting someone so badly you can’t hold back an ounce of the visceral need feels like.And it’severything.

The rest of my wall collapses, crashing to the ground with the next lash of his tongue.

This could go on forever, and it still wouldn’t be enough. My entire body could be fused to his, and I’d still want to be closer.

That’s what I’m starting to realize being with him means. It makes everything feel overwhelming while also not enough.

When he releases my face, I nearly stumble forward, only saved by my hands still on his chest.

“Olivia. I want everything from you. All of you. Every fear, hope, and dream.” He reaches behind me, turning off the water before taking the towel from the hook next to the door and wrapping it around me. “Every smile, kiss, and orgasm.”

He presses his lips to mine briefly, then steps back, gripping one of my wrists to lead me out of the shower. When I step out onto the soft rug, he leans in, his nose barely an inch away from mine.
