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There isno dang way that that man is outside my door. Just no way!

I stomp over and swing the door open, growling under my breath. “What the hell do you want, Sebastian Rowe?”

The smirk on his full lips is enough to make a normal woman melt. But I’m no normal woman. I know exactly what this man can do. And I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.

He leans his long, lean, muscular body against the door frame and grins at me, no shame in his golden-brown gaze. “Why do you think I’m here? Your grandma sent me to get the list of all the businesses to contact in town about our auction for the kids’ club.”

“She could have gotten that later. None of that has to be done until the end of the week.”

He holds his big, tanned, rough hands up and shoves his black cowboy hat to the back of his head, leaving a lock of thick brown hair falling over his tanned forehead. For just a minute, I struggle with the urge to push that soft, boyish lock out of his face.

I jerk myself back in line and glare at him.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Natty told your grandma that she needs it tonight. Something about one of the businesses that she desperately needs to contact tonight.”

I roll my eyes and grunt. “Yeah. I don’t think that’s the case. I think this is another bullshit stunt from the grannies to try and get us to talk.”

“So what’s wrong with that?” He shrugs. “I don’t have a problem talking with you.”

“Too bad. I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t even want to see your stupid face.”

A hellish look of glee crosses his face. Then he shoves it down. “Not my business. But I need that paper. You got it?”

“I’ll get it.” I slam the door in his face, cringing a little. I know I shouldn’t yell at him and slam the door in his face. It makes me look petty. But I just really can’t stand being around him.

I search through Granny’s desk and find the paper, turning back to the door and opening it. I shove it at him and try and close the door again.


He sticks his big, booted foot in the door to stop me from closing it. “Seriously, Mistletoe? You can’t even be nice enough to say have a nice night or something?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“You know, what happened isn’t entirely my fault.”

I glare at him. “I’m sure. But it doesn’t matter. I’m done with this conversation.”

I eye his booted foot and nod my head at it. “Could you move that, please?”

“You mean my boot? I don’t think so.”

“Fine. I’ll just break your foot.”

He growls and pushes his way inside the door while I back away from him, eyes wide.

“I don’t get why you have to be so antagonistic to me, Misty. What the hell happened?”

“Maybe it’s being manhandled and pushed around,” I grit out between clenched teeth.

He rolls his honey gold eyes. “Please. You are not some little prissy girl, Misty. You push back when I push. There’s no way that you’re intimidated when I do something like this.”

He stalks closer and I fight the urge to run. The wild look in his eyes tells me that he wants me to. Wants the chase.

I lift my chin and glare at him and he smirks. “That’s exactly what I said. You’re not afraid. So tell me what your problem is!”
