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“Olivia, stop interrupting me. Do you want to hear the rest of the story or not?”

“Well, of course I do. That’s why I’m on the phone.”

“So listen to me.”


“So then anyways, two of the sons show up.”

“Ooh, they have two sons, huh?”

“Girl, they have seven sons.”

“Seven sons, no way! Well, hook a sister up.”

I started laughing. “Sure, I mean, none of them have girlfriends. Well, maybe Wyatt.”

“Who’s Wyatt?”

“Wyatt’s the youngest son, and supposedly he has some best friend called Sadie that is maybe the love of his life, but he doesn’t realize it.”

“That sounds like drama.”

“Yeah, but aside from him, it seems like the others are completely single.”

“Then hook me up, girl!”

“I’m trying to look myself up first.”

“So did you meet the guy yet?”

“Yes. So anyway, the two sons show up, Beau and Wyatt.”

“Okay, so Wyatt’s the one that you just said was kind of dating his best friend or something?”

“Yeah, I don’t know exactly what’s going on there, but he was really cute and really friendly. He actually kissed my hand.”

“Oh, wow, he sounds like a real southern gentleman.”

“Well, they’re not southern, remember? I’m in Montana. We’re close to the Canadian border.”

“Oh, yeah … For some reason I always felt men from Montana were southern.”

“They’re not southern just because they’re cowboys.”

“Yeah, okay. So tell me more.”

“So Beau is the eldest, and he’s the one that I’m supposed to marry.

“So you met him? Is he really cute? Tell me what he looks like!”

“Well, he’s tall. He’s got this dark blonde hair and big blue eyes. He’s very striking, very handsome, and—”

“Ooh, he sounds dishy. Just my type.”

“Yeah, I think you would really like him. He’s definitely very handsome. But then—”

“Oh gosh, of course there’s a but then.”
