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“Oh?” I said, feigning a composure I didn’t feel.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

“Nope.” I pitched another forkful of hay, not making eye contact.

“Well, now that it’s going to be closed, it turns out that Arya and Eloise can’t move to the apartment above the bar.”

“Well, that’s a shame. But what’s that got to do with me?”

“Turns out that the owner, also known as Chip, has decided that he’s going on a vacation to Europe.” Wyatt cocked his head. “You really couldn’t stand to see her go, could you?”

My stomach sank, but I kept baling the hay. “What are you talking about? See who go?”

“Chet, are you really going to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about? You’re not that good an actor.”

“Exactly. I’m not a good actor, so that’s why I’m saying I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I pressed my lips together.

Wyatt laughed again. “Dude, you absolutely suck. You know that, right?”

“What?” I turned around to face him. “It was a stupid idea for her to go and live on top of a bar with a little kid in a town she doesn’t really know. And what was she thinking, working around the horny idiots that live around here?”

“You’re one of the idiots that lives around here.”

“I am not an idiot. And I’m just looking out for her best interests.”

“Dude, did she need you to look out for her best interest? Plus, she has Mom and Sadie and Olivia. They all said they’d help.”

“Yeah, well, they can help from here.”

Wyatt gave a low whistle. “You’ve really got the hots for her, don’t you?”

“No, I don’t have the hots for her. I’m just being protective like I would with Sadie. She’s like a younger sister.”

“Dude, really?” Wyatt scoffed. “I don’t know who you’re trying to fool, but you’re not fooling anyone.”

“What do you mean, I’m not fooling anyone?” I folded my arms. Sometimes Wyatt really acted like a superior asshole. He was my brother and I loved him, but he sure knew how to get on my nerves.

“You’re calling Arya your younger sister.” He threw his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m not saying she is my younger sister. I’m saying that I’m looking out for her as if she were a younger sister.” I brushed his arm off me.

“Uh-huh. And would you want to bone your…” He grimaced. “I can’t even finish the sentence. It’s just disgusting.”

“Look, Wyatt, are you going to help me here, or are you just going to talk shit all day?”

“I think you really need to have some honest conversations with yourself,” he said. “And by the way…”

“Yeah, what?”

“I have a feeling Arya’s not too happy with you.”

“Well, what Chuck decides to do with his bar has nothing to do with me.”

“Uh-huh. I’m just letting you know as a heads up.”

“Anyway, how do you know the bar is closed and Arya is upset?”

“Because Sadie told me.”
