Page 47 of Her Exception 2

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Between his sexy smile and innocent eyes, I couldn’t help but chuckle. I loved being spoiled by a man with good intentions. I loved Amaru period. He was the best Christmas gift for me. Anything he did or gave was extra. It didn’t matter how many times I told him that, he still kept coming with gifts. When I saw the black velvet box at the bottom of the bag, I looked up at him.

“Ru?” I whispered.

“It’s not an engagement ring yet,” he clarified quickly, pulling the box out of the bag. “It’s a promise ring.” Amaru opened the box, and I gasped at the sight of the beautiful gold diamond band. “With this ring, I promise to be the best father I can be to our children, your best friend as I’ve always been, an attentive and intentional lover, and your fiancé within six months. Merry Christmas, Milli. I love you.”

Tears flowed as I giggled while he slid the ring on my finger. Our mothers released awws and oohs as the kids cheesed and looked on with bright faces.

“I love you, Ru. I never wanted to risk our friendship, but the love that we share makes me so happy I made an exception to that rule. Merry Christmas, baby.”

Cupping his cheeks, I pulled him closer for a kiss. Every time I thought God couldn’t outdo what He’d already done for me this year, He showed me He wasn’t quite done yet.

The End
