Page 50 of Vicious Vows

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“Go upstairs and get cleaned up, sweetheart,” he murmurs against my lips. “I’m going to see about having a doctor come and give you a prescription for birth control. In the meantime—” He pulls back, tapping a finger gently against my lower lip as he smiles down at me. “There are books in our bedroom that I want you to read—books that will teach you all about the kind of dynamic I want with you. I’m going to quiz you on them tomorrow, so read as much as you can. If you’re a good girl and learn all your lessons well, there will be a reward in it for you.”

His smile promises exactly the kind of reward I hoped for. And as much as I would have loved for him to teach me every single thing about what he wants from me himself, he picked the second thing I would have liked the most—reading about it. It makes me feel loved, like he knows me well enough to know I’d rather read books than scroll through articles or watch porn with the kind of acts in them that he wants me to do. The idea of him quizzing me on what I learn and punishing or rewarding me for my performance turns me on all over again.

I think Alessio sees it, because he smirks as he tugs my skirt down, arranging my clothing so that I once again look decent if someone were to walk in, albeit still sitting on the breakfast table. “Careful,” he murmurs, giving me one more kiss. “I might start to get jealous of the idea of your professors at Northwestern seeing you like this, if you get so turned on at the idea of being tested on something.”

With that, he lingers for one more moment, before shaking himself a little and stepping away as if it’s hard for him to leave me. “I’ll see you at dinner,” he says gently as I slide down from the table, my legs still feeling a little shaky, and then he turns to go, walking out of the dining room towards his office.

I watch him leave, still hardly able to believe that all of this is real. That Alessio is mine now—reallymine.

The way I wanted him—and so much more.


The first thing I do in the morning, after breakfast, is arrange Gianna’s doctor’s appointment. It only takes a few minutes for me to find the leather-backed book that has a number of contacts in it—including the doctor who was willing to make house calls for Giacomo.

It will be less embarrassing for her if she can have the exam here, I reason as I call. The number is for Dr. Vicenzo’s private line, and she answers almost immediately.

“This is Alessio Mancini—I got this number from Giacomo Mancini’s business records. My wife needs an appointment, and I’d like to arrange for you to come to the house, if that’s still something you’re willing to do?”

There’s a pause. “Of course,” she says finally. “I’m sorry to hear what happened. If Gianna needs anything at all—I’ve seen her before. I’m happy to do whatever makes her comfortable.”

That feels like an instant relief—someone who knows Gianna, who Gianna will feel safe with. I’m also pleased that Dr. Vicenzo is a woman—I’d never expected to be jealous of something as clinical as a routine exam, but the idea of a male doctor examining Gianna, touching her, discussing her sex life with her—all of it sends a burn of hot jealousy through me that feels a little disconcerting.

I also wouldn’t have ever thought I’d be turned on by making a doctor’s appointment, but as I hang up the phone, my cock is half-hard, imagining what I’ll be able to do with Gianna once she’s on birth control. Just the thought of being able to come inside of her makes it difficult to focus on anything else. I saw the disappointment on Gianna’s face when I refused to come inside of her—and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, to leave that wet, welcoming heat and spill all over her skin instead—but part of this is protecting her, still. She wants me to cherish her, to care for her, and I can do that by making certain that as fast as things have moved in the last day, some things don’t move too fast before we’re both ready for them.

It’s selfish, too, in a way. I want her to myself for a while longer, now that it seems that I’m going to have her. I want her undivided attention for a bit, not taken up by loving and caring for a child. As much as I do want a family with her—the culmination of the relationship we’ve now decided to have—and as much as I know an heir is a necessity for the life we live, I want time with her first.

My head is reeling from everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. It feels as if I’ve been swept up in something that I don’t entirely have control of, and I’m caught between guilt and desire and all of the other feelings that Gianna rouses in me.

There’s no doubt that I’m falling in love with her—that I’vebeenfalling in love with her, since before we were pushed into the marriage. It’s hard to even say we werepushedany longer—that’s how it began, but it’s no longer that. Not for either of us.

It all feels too good to be true—that I could have not only what I’ve wanted for so long, but withher. I’m trying to do all that I can to ensure that I can be absolutely certain that this is what she wants, that she understands what it is that she’s offering me and that she has ample chances to back out if she so desires. And so far, nothing has shaken her determination that this is also what she wants.

And if she changes her mind after reading the books? What then?I’ve taken her virginity, there’s no going back now on that. I have to force myself not to think about it too hard, to wait and see what happens when she has a better understanding—to take this one day at a time. To not think about how it will feel to lose this with her before it’s even really begun.

Gianna appears in my office the next afternoon at four p.m. on the dot, as promptly as I instructed her last night. Her hair is damp at the edges, telling me that she took a shower after her doctor’s appointment and before coming to meet me, and her cheeks flush the instant she sees me. When the door shuts behind her, she walks quickly to the edge of the velvet-tufted lounge sofa by the windows and bookshelf, and sinks to her knees on the rug without a word.

I raise my eyebrows, impressed. “You did read all of what I left for you, didn’t you?” It’s not even really a question—the way she’s kneeling, her hands folded in her lap, her eyes down, tell me that she read, if not everything, then a decent bit of the material I left in the bedroom for her.

Gianna nods demurely. “Yes, sir,” she whispers, and with those two words, my cock is half-hard in an instant, jerking upwards against my fly as it swells and throbs eagerly.

“And you were a good girl?” I walk towards her, stopping a foot away from where she’s kneeling. “You didn’t touch yourself while you were reading all of that? I know you must have been so wet, sweetheart, reading all those filthy things. You didn’t touch your pussy?”

“No, sir,” she whispers, her voice trembling a little, and I don’t miss the way her thighs squeeze together. My cock stiffens even more, rock hard and aching, and I force myself to focus.

“I want to ask you about the appointment first, before we get into your quizzes,tesoro,” I tell her gently. “So sit on the sofa, and I’ll ask you what I want to know, alright?”

Gianna’s cheeks pinken even more, and I see the way she shifts restlessly, but she nods, picking herself up off of the rug and sitting on the edge of the lounge sofa. I know she must be beyond aroused—I didn’t touch her last night, wanting to give her a break. She’d insisted that she didn’t need one, that she wanted me, and I told her sternly that her arguing had earned her most of a day without an orgasm. She would have to be very good when she came to my office if she wanted to come.

Of course, the flip side of that is that I’ve been hard on and off all day, thinking about what I’m going to do if sheisgood—and what I’ll do if she isn’t.

“The doctor said you were healthy? That everything is alright?” I have the notes from the appointment; they emailed me after the visit, but I want to hear Gianna tell me. I can see that she finds it embarrassing—her cheeks are bright red as she nods, and that only makes it that much better, asking her to explain.

“I’m fine,” she says, her voice soft. “She said nothing was—abnormal. She’ll get my birth control prescription to me in the next two weeks, she said.” Gianna pouts lightly, looking up at me. “I don’t know why that’s necessary, Alessio. Iwantto have a baby with you. That’s what I’m supposed to do! You’re supposed to want me to get pregnant. And if you’re not sure about me—about us—”

“Shh.” I step forward, taking her chin in my hand gently and pressing a finger to her lips. “We’ve already discussed this,tesoro.I told you why. You can argue with me, but that will only lead to more punishment when it comes to things like this. For instance—” I rub my thumb over her lower lip, enjoying the way she shivers at the touch. “Since you’ve decided to argue with me on this, you won’t be allowed to get off after your quizzes. Instead, I’m going to teach you how I like my cock sucked when we’re done. And if you’re very good and do just as I say, then I’ll let you come.”

Gianna bites her lip. “But—”
