Page 15 of Patches

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“I can tell about people though,” she warned, two steps behind him now. “It’s a gift.”

“Is it,” he muttered.

“Well, to me it is, I guess in your case it’s not.”

He stopped again at the bottom of the Basilique steps, pissed enough to dare to look at her. “In my case, you don’t know me. Nor does your gift. I like simple women, I like mature women, I want a wife that can take orders without feeling bossed around. A woman who doesn’t complain or cave under stress.”

She crossed her arms over her chest with raised brows. “Youarebossy,” she said, like he’d asked her opinion. “But…bossy can be good and even sexy if used right.”

Just like that, she drew a full-blown X-rated scene in his head of therightkind of bossy.

“What?” she barely mumbled, pushing hair behind her ear, a child realizing they’d gone too far.

Holy fuck, this was really happening. Was this who he was after all this time? Was he the man who caved to his cock at the first pretty woman finding all his cleverly hidden buttons and pressing them one after another in the span of a minute?

He jerked his eyes from her, holding his jaw together while anger sparked along his pathetic backbone. “You’ll be here for maybe three days. I’d really appreciate it if you left my personal life alone. It isn’t some tragedy you need to rescue me from.”

Her brows furrowed as she lowered her head. “Well, I know that,” she mumbled softly—no, she cooed. He stared at her profile, stuck in that web again. She dared a look at him and the sun caught her brown eyes, turning them into flaming chocolate. “I’m sorry,” she added in that same tone. “I’ll step back. I went too far. Won’t happen again.”

He headed back up the steps and at the door turned, finding her in the same spot, looking ready to run. “Too late to find a boat out of here, Texas. We have real world work that needs doing.”

She dropped her arms and marched up the steps toward him. He opened the door for her, and she entered then stopped, aiming a look at him. “You’re ameanmedic,” she muttered with a finger aimed at him as she passed.

He stood there as those two words put a choke-hold on his cock as mean-doctor/sweet- nurse fantasies burned through him.

She was turning into a living, breathing centerfold.

After he got them in the Jon boat he returned to nursing the only defense he seemed to have against his sudden avalanche of lust. If she continued playing hardball, then he’d play back. Maybe then she’d get the hint and step off. He sure couldn’t handle softball with her, that was pathetically obvious. What a bastion of noble strength and character he was. Not to mention he wasn’t a mean anything. Ever. If he hadn’t been so turned on by the term coming from her, he’d have taken offense. He wasnevermean. Quiet, yes. Reserved, yes. Careful with his words. Always. Cautious with hischoiceof words, especially always. Especially lately. Because the celibacy rule lifted, and the universe seemed ready to make him pay for daring such a stupid vow to begin with. He needed to get a handle on all of it. Quick.

He turned his chair enough to see her, finding her watching the swamp, both hands on top of the other on the rail, chin resting on it. The child-like picture added regret to his guilt. His gaze lowered to devour the sight of her thick tan leg exposed from the position. Fuck, she was just…too beautiful, he realized. He turned away from her, back to defeated. With a glance. A single glance. That’s what you’re made of Dr. Dirty Water. Mr. Mean Med. But more importantly, what did herasslook like naked? What did it feel like. Firm? Soft? He closed his eyes as he let the visions come. Standing naked, looking over her shoulder at him. Begging him not to be mean while wanting him to be exactly that.

He'd jack off to that fantasy, this he was sure of. He’d jack off while thinking of being a mean med even while knowing it would only make the fire hotter. But it was still just a fantasy. And that wasonething hecouldhave, and he’d fucking have it to the extreme degree without an ounce of guilt. He wasn’t married. He wasn’t committed. He was technically still free. He clearly needed time to sow his wild oats and that was the only way he could.

And yet…shewasbegging to help him with his marriage endeavors.


Felix hurried to Nitro’s room with excitement and regret and terror. She entered, her stomach knotting like it always did when she saw him chained to the bed. Especially now.

He lifted his head, his brows narrowing. “What’s wrong?” he demanded.

God, what was happening with them? She was terrified. She’d not told Lesion of her symptoms for fear of what he might do. But she felteverythingNitro did. His lust, his anger, his hunger, his thirst. “I need to talk to you about some things.”

She went to sit on his bed next to him, leaning and kissing him. Because she was so hungry for him. Another symptom. She’d always been hungry for him, but it was more now.

“Don’t get this close,” he warned, the sound of instant lust awakened.

“I have to,” she whispered, pulling up before she lost herself to his hungers. “I need to tell you some things that’s happening.

His gaze roamed her face, his animal appetite already triggered even as the strain in his jaw said he fought its power. “Tell me,” he seethed. “Over there.Awayfrom me,” he growled, his breathing labored.

She nodded and walked backwards till the wall met her back. “When you bit me…that first time. I felt…things.” She watched as his body responded to her words. “Right now, you’re feeling it. I can see and I can feel it too.” She covered her mouth when a sob rose up her throat. “It’s me,” she choked out.

“What’s you,” he demanded, his muscles trembling.

“I’m causing you to do this, you’re…responding tomyneeds. In some…bat communities, depending on the environment, females can…initiate mating and…I think that’s what’s happening, you’re picking up on my…non-stoplustfor you,” she wept, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, I can’t help it, I didn’t realize. I’ve always wanted youtoo muchand now it’s causing you to go…bat-shit crazy!”

He growled, yanking at his chain.
