Page 18 of Patches

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Tegan watched Patches orchestrate Hurricane protocols with the ease and authority of a king while his loyal, ever so perfect number one nurse—who he was technically dating—floated about like a magical butterfly, a shadow reinforcing his every move. Meanwhile Tegan tripped around like a spark of stupid till she spotted something she could handle and understood how to do. Like move chairs or tables or haul things from here to there. And the lovely saint Sarah smiled and laughed while working, making the patients feel like they were getting ready for a damn ho-down rather than a hurricane.

To make matters worse, Patches’ Grand Pier looked at her like a rare Texas toxin. And loooooved the Swamp Saint. But lord, he was so sweet. The light in that man’s eyes when he looked at Patches melted her heart. She’d decided to take Juliette up on her idea of helping Patches with his dating fiasco. But she wasnotthe right person for that job. Already she hawked that girl for flaws, looking for the fatal ones that allowed her to saybad choice.Would help if she could see past her blinding qualities to find them. But if this girl turned out to be as amazing as she seemed, then she wouldnotstand in the way. She’d never stoop to that or be that person. No matter howbadlyshe wanted somebody. And dear God,wantwas a joke of a word with him. Ever since he’d returned, she’d seen thatlookin his eyes she’d been praying to see. But his anger was a bad sign. Because if he wanted her and didn’twantto want her, then that was no good. No good at all. The situation had become instantly serious when she’d seen it. She was thatlogin his path. Would he step on her or over her? Could she handle that kind of treatment from him? How far was she willing to go to give him an opportunity to…to what?

Pick me. I want him to pick me, dammit.

But if he did, would he regret it? Have guilt? Pickers remorse?

The idea made her sick to imagine.

She watched as Patches stopped Sarah and said something to her. She nodded, gave him a genuine enough smile and looked around. Tegan’s pulse jumped when her eyes found her and she waved, heading for her.

Tegan hurried to meet her, not wanting her to work on her behalf too. “Would you mind bringing our mommas and Patches’ Grand Pier refreshments?”

“Not at all, tell me what to do, thank you.”

“In the kitchen, there’s three fridges. I think it’s the one in the middle that has all their foods prepped with names on each.” The woman touched her arm and murmured, “Thank God for Miss Justine, she got all that ready ahead of time.”

“Yes, I’ll do it right now. Any particular order to serve?”

“Maybe Grand Pier first,” she whispered with a smile and wink. “We like to spoil him when he comes.”

“Got it.” Tegan took off, her heart beating like there was a damn barn fire. Sarah was beingverynice. Which meant she was being protective of Patches in their first encounter—a quality,nota flaw, unfortunately. Maybe Patches told her something. Now, she was super nice, super helpful, super tiny, super cute, super frickn everything. Which is why she was an option. Because Patches was smart. She was simple, uncomplicated, helpful, just like he said. And really, Tegan could easily compete with those things except she wasn’t from the swamps. And damn if she wasn’t ready to dig up her family tree to see if maybe she had ancestors from there just to qualify.

She made her way to the room where Patches grandfather was and paused, realizing she wasn’t sure what to call him. Everybody called him Grand Pier, but she didn’t feel like she had that same right. Alien invader that she was.

“You okay?”

She turned, finding Patches there. “I just realized I don’t know his name. Or remember it. Everybody calls him Grand Pier but…I don’t feel right calling him that.”

“You can call him Mr. Monroe. It’s his last name.”

A zing of pain hit her at the formality. “Alright. Any advice as to whatnotto say?”

“Not that I can think of,” he said after a moment. “You doing okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said, nodding. “Aside from feeling useless and not knowing whether I’m coming or going or would be more help out of the way.”

“You’re doing just fine,” he assured, his gaze lowering to her mouth. Again. He glanced to the right. “Those go in the mother’s rooms,” he said to one of the other nurses before looking at her again. “As soon as we get them all settled, we’ll talk about Nitro?”

She nodded. “Of course. Get that taken care of. Is he still okay?”

“I haven’t had a chance to check on him again, but I hope so.”

“I can go do that if you need.”

“No,” he hurried. “Don’tevergo down there without me.”

Oookay. “Yes sir, then,” she said as he opened his Grand Pier’s door for her. “Thank you.”

“Find me when you’re done. I have a delivery to make this evening too. You’ll come with me for that.” Again, she nodded, her stomach quaking while he called into the room, “Grand Pier, Miss Texas brought you some food. Play nice.” He looked at her with raised brows and a hint of a smile then left her wondering. Was he…being flirty?

Dream on, Miss Texas.Geeze why did he have to call her that to the man opposed to outsiders? Was that on purpose?Stop being paranoid. He’s called you that from jump.

“Well, good evening, Mr. Monroe, are you settling in okay? I’ve got some goodies for you.”

“Meh, weh,” he said, making Tegan pause in wonder over what that meant.
