Page 24 of Patches

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“How’s my favorite mother to be?”

Tegan grinned at how thrilled Becky was with him. “You say that toallyour mothers,” she said, patting his hand when he held hers. “How ready are we ready for this little one?”

“Ready last week,” she sighed.

Tegan realized he was taking her pulsewhileholding her hand, how freaking amazing was he? “Pressure’s good,” he said, leaning and placing his cheek on her forehead then straightening. “Temp feels normal.”

Becky smiled at him the entire time, watching him examine her belly next. “Doesn’t she have amazing skin?” he said, pressing gently along the outer edges.

“So amazing,” Tegan agreed, moving to the other side, and taking her other hand. “Did you hear the possible names for the baby?” Tegan asked Patches.

“I believe Patches for a boy or… Patches for a girl?” He grinned at Tegan then Becky who filled the room with her musical laugh. “What?” he wondered. “It could work. Burt would love it.” He covered her belly back and tucked it in. “I’m going make a delivery and will be back in a couple hours to do fun doctor things to make sure everything is ready. Try to take a nap for me?”

She nodded, her smile so pretty and big. “He’s got the best bedside manners,” she whispered to Tegan.

“I see that. I’m taking notes.”

“Uh-oh,” he said, giving her a real smile that stole her frikn breath.

“I might have to barter me some of this,” she said, wagging her finger at the bed.

He added a real laugh, and it had Becky and her giggling like smitten little girls.

“Alligator boots for a delivery?”

She put her hand out across the bed. “You heard him,” she said to Becky. “You got yourself a deal.”

He held her gaze and shook her hand. “That’s a Bayou Bond right there. Size twelve.” He added a wink, and she pulled her hand away, glancing at Becky who beamed from ear to ear. Have mercy, she saw all that and then some.


“Vikings!” Tegan said, taking his hand and hopping down into the smaller boat. “Here? In the swamp?”

“Yep. Sit there,” he directed. “Don’t wanna have to yell a conversation.”

She realized where he put her was close enough for their knees to touch. She angled her legs, so they didn’t.

“They’ve been here as long as anybody I know.”

“Vikings,” she repeated, amazed. “Intheseswamps. Like the actual Viking people? Horns and stuff?”

“One and the same.”

“They act like Vikings?” she wondered.

He laughed. “How do Vikings act?”

“I don’t know…barbaric and stuff? Am I confusing them with pirates?”

He found that funny and she decided his laugh was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. “They’re peaceful as far as I know. Never hear from them. Very strict about marrying in their own blood lines.”

“Oh, here we go,” she muttered, catching his grin.

“What? You don’t like that?”

“No, I guess I don’t. Maybe Miss Texas wants a fair chance at Mr. October.”

She almost regretted her words but the look in his eyes said she’d just chipped away another layer of that wall he’d put between them and wasn’t the least sorry about it. “Maybe she’ll get that.”
