Page 27 of Patches

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“So like…a week?”

“Sounds reasonable. With the hurricane and all.”

His gaze was on her mouth, then moved up, the intense heat in his eyes stealing her breath.

“Well…we can’t…disappoint Grand Pier, I think.”

His smile spread slowly. “So, that’s a yes?” He leaned in and his lips brushed hers.

“Yes,” she said, putting her fingers between their mouths, gasping as he kissed them. “We’re not dating yet,” she whispered.

He slowly moved back, looking at her. “Was just a kiss,” he said, the heat in his eyes licking at her skin.

“I have to wait in line for a week,” she reasoned.

“That is unfair,” he said, his eyes making love to her mouth. “You’ll stay in my apartment while you wait for me?”

Oh mercy. This felt like a trap. “I…don’t know where else I would stay.”

“Good,” he said, his stare moving along her face. “You mind if I take the other bedroom?”

She wet her lips, getting dizzy while sitting still. “It’s your place. Take whatever you need to.”

She put her fingers up again when his mouth came for hers again.

“Will you still be volunteering in the hospital?”

His lips pressed into her fingers, and she closed her eyes, feeling them. “Do you need me to?”

“I need you where I can see you.”

“Why?” she whispered, confused.

“Because I like looking at you.”


“Nobody needs to know.”

She gasped at feeling his tongue on her skin. But if she moved her hand, she’d kiss him and then no telling what else she’d demand. What was he saying? Something important and she was missing it. He wanted her there where he could see her but without others seeing? “You want to hide,” she realized.

“More like…I want to seduce you.”

Her mind filled with what that would look like, making her short of breath.

“You want that?” His voice was hot as he moved her hand. She closed her eyes, feeling his breath at her parted lips. “Yes or no, Texas.”

Her mouth moved as she panted in the flames he caused while wondering, “I…What…what does that mean?” Lord, not mean, what would hedo.

“It means when nobody’s looking, we’ll play a give and take game. I take what I want, and you give it.” His lips were barely nipping at her parted ones, his breaths thick.

“But we’re…we’re not…”

“I won’t take that,” he said, his fingers sliding along her neck. “Not until you’re sure.”


“Sure it’s what you want.”
