Page 29 of Patches

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“You want more?”

“So much,” she begged.

“Come get it,” he ordered, holding his finger still.

She braced a foot on the edge of the boat, gaining more leverage and moved herself faster. “Patches,” she begged weakly.

His hand on her butt turned hard and he shoved his finger in so deep, hitting her clit with his thumb. Her orgasm came and she grabbed on to his face, giving one shocked cry after another in his mouth as he forced her to meet every hammering jab of his finger.

“Oh, fuck, you kill me,” he swore, sounding so hot and pissed while not letting up. She’d never had an orgasm like it, endless, violent waves of pleasure shook her on and on, his lusty moans louder than hers by the end of it.

Somehow, she ended in his lap, their chests pressed together, his hot, strong arms holding her so tight their hearts pounded against one another. He sent aftershocks of pleasure through her ear with his breathless, tormented French, “Jae brool pour twa” over and over.

He’d just done all that. And she’d let him. Oh God. She tightened her arms around him, never wanting to stop feeling the hot, strong bond between them.

“Tu- a-doo-ray, mah jolie petite Texas?”

She dropped her head back as he kissed along her neck. “What…about Texas,” she moaned.

His laugh was soft and hot on her skin. “I asked if my pretty little Texas loved it.”

Her heart leapt and danced in her chest. “I’ve never had anything so amazing in my life,” she needed him to know.

His arms tightened with a deep moan that tingled in her nipples. “You’re too fucking beautiful for me,” he swore, his mouth moving to the other side of her neck while his words stole her heart and breath. Every buried hunger filled her greedy fingers now kneading along his scalp.

“I swear,you’rethe beautiful one,” she thought. “Show me what to do for you.”

He gave another groan, this one harsher. “I will, mah jolie. Tonight. When you’re sleeping. I’ll come and take more things from you, oui?”

“Oui,” she gasped, her body already on fire for that. “What is…oui?”

He smiled on her mouth. “It means yes.”


He tugged her lower lip with his teeth. “No. Setting it in stone.”

Her pulse hammered between her legs again. “Like…a promise?”

Chills passed through her when his fingers slid up in her hair and trembled with restrained hunger. “Yes, mah jolie Tegan. A promise written in stone.”

She found his mouth with hers and kissed him. “Say it in English,” she whispered.

“Mah moovez fee wants to make me?”

She pulled back smiling at him. “I don’t know what you’re saying,” she implored, kissing his smile.

“I said my pretty Tegan.” He angled his head, his hand moving along the column of her neck. “And my bad girl wants to make me.”

“Let me do you. Please.”


She sighed a little. “Am I begging wrong?”

His soft laugh filled her mouth. “You couldneverbeg wrong. Or enough.”

She gasped and jerked in his arms at a growl nearby. “What was that!”
