Page 39 of Patches

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“We found a woman in their woods that had suffered physical spousal abuse.”

“So it’s true,” she said, shaking her head with a hand on her hip. “I’m shocked. And also, I need to talk to you about Tegan.”

He eyed her. “What about?”

“Did you know her brother is on his way over here?”

“For what?”

“I could hardly understand him with hisdrawl,but it sounded likeDaddywanted him to come get his baby girl because she’s scared, so here he comes. I told him come on, it’s your crazy Texan hide, but if you end up stuck here,allabled bodies will be expected to work if we have need. He thinks he’s gonna drive on in and drive on out.”

“If he times it just right, he’ll be on the highway in the hurricane,” Patches muttered, while wondering what was really going on. He didn’t recall hearing anything about her wanting to leave on that phone call, only that she was nervous.

“I said that exact same thing.” She knocked on the room door. “It’s me, Sarah, Dr. Patches is here to check on things.”

“Come in,” somebody called.

“I’m gonna go take Becky’s vitals so she’s awake when you get there.”

“Thank you, Sarah.” He spotted Tegan making her way to Grand Pier’s room with the black bag, curious with the look on her face. Had she talked to her brother?

Patches went through his checks with Mrs. Deveroux in record time, then did the same with Mrs. Boutine. He detoured to Grand Pier’s room, wondering if she was still there.

He heard his Grand Pier’s laugh when he got to the door and listened. “Awww, shaaa peechay, das sad-sad.”

“I’m not sad about it. My daddy made sure I had plenty of memories as did my Mimi and Slappy. Or my grandmother and grandfather. They’re wonderful and I thank God I still have them.”

“Meh, you know, Patches—”

He opened the door. “You called?” he asked, shutting the door.

“Meh, no, I was just talkin’ to Lil Texas and she tole me her momma died just like yours, when she was bein’ born.”

Patches looked at her, finding her mouth a perfect oval. “Your momma too?” she wondered quietly.

“Sho nuff. Das why his daddy—”

“GrandPier,” Patches cut in, shaking his head. “Stop telling her all my family affairs. Unless you want me to marry her, then I guess you can tell her everything?”

His Grand Pier appeared dumbfounded. “Meh…I tawt you said you was marryin Lil Sarah?”

“No, no, no, I never said that. I said I’d take Sarah and two other ladies on a date.”

“I don’t know why you wasen all you money on three dates when you already know which one you like the most?”

“I’m not spending money, Grand Pier and I’d really rather my love life not be a public discussion.”

“Dis ain’t no public,” he dismissed with a grumble.

“Well, we got a whole Texas sitting right there, listening.”

He gave a big booming toothless laugh at that then looked at Tegan. “He done call you a whole Texas.” He regarded Patches. “Shedogot a lot of Texas in her, dis fuh true.”

“Can I borrow Miss Texas for a bit, we have a bat-shit crazy patient I need help with.”

He gave another big laugh. “Meh, you got more than one of me here?”

“Yep, we have two of you. And would you stop trying to escape by yourself? If you really want to go out, I’ll come take you. But wait for me.”
