Page 59 of Patches

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“Nah,” Tegan easily laughed. “I know I got a fat ass. I quit tryin’ to lose it when I realized it was one of my finerassets. Get it?” She gave a big Texas laugh and made her way to the kitchen, ready to chew nails and spit lead.

She blindly grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and spotted an exit in the kitchen. Hallelujah.

She found a spot on the opposite side of the large house and sat in a rocking chair where she had a view of the bayou. She couldn’t remember where the dock was they’d parked at before from where she was. There had been a dock, she was sure, and there wasn’t one on this side that she could see.

She froze at hearing voices and shot off the rocker. She got five feet and detoured to the rail, leaning on it, not about to run from these bitches. She took a big bite of the apple and aimed a smile at them.

“So, tell us, Tegan of Texas, you have a boyfriend?”

“Oh,nowlook who’s digging,” Sarah said all innocent, sitting on the steps like a side-winder while the other two girls flanked her left and right.

“Nope,” she said. “Haven’t found the right cowboy yet.”

“Awww, that’s too bad,” Martha said.

“Did you hear about The Twelve getting married over here in the swamp?”

“I sure did,” Tegan decided to say. “Exciting times for you ladies?” She eyed Sarah. “I believe Nurse Sarah here is paired up with our Dr. Patches.”

“She is!” Geraldine said. “And so are we!”

She took a bite of her apple to hide her shock, managing a “Wow,” while nodding. “Good to see you all playing so nice with the competition.”

“Well, he’s taking us each on a date,” Martha said.

“And we each get our fair shot at winning over the sexy doc.”

The lust in her tone soured her stomach.

“I already know I’m gonna win him over,” Geraldine bragged. “You know when I come for my yearly, I can tell he likes me by how gentle he is. I never said before but once I nearly had an orgasm while he checked me with those long fingers.”

“Funnest part is that our poor Nurse Sarah has to stand there and watch,” Martha laughed real big.

“Well, you’re not the only vagina he’s explored in these swamps,” Sarah assured, bringing a cramp to Tegan’s sick stomach. “He even helps some of the poor wives with their orgasm.”

Tegan was gonna be sick as she hurried for the door.

“Tegan?” Sarah called. “What’s wrong?”

She heard stifled laughter as the door shut and she made her way blindly to the apartment. Racing down the stairs she went in and shut the door, locking it. She paced back and forth with her eyes closed, everything shaking on her.

She pulled her phone out and dialed him.

She hung it up.

She wouldn’t ask him that on the phone. She wanted to believe they were lying, just trying to hurt her but then hewasthe frickn’ swamps only doctor!

He helped poor wives with their orgasm.

She pulled her phone out and dialed him again, pacing. “Hey, I’m on the dragon,” he said over the racket. “Five minutes out. You okay?”

She fought to unhinge her jaw.

“Tegan?” he called.

“I’ll talk to you when you get here,” she said, hurrying to the room in case that bitch was listening at the door.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.
