Page 6 of Patches

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“Tell him to check the other one.”

Bishop did the same test on the right eye, his stomach sick. “Same on this one.”

“Nothing on the other one,” Lesion relayed.

Bishop turned away from the sight of his brother looking dead. “What does that fucking mean?”

“What does it mean?” Lesion asked.

“It could mean a lot of things but if there are no physical injuries,” Patches said, still calm, “then it could be a transient neurological manifestation, or a glitch in his brain from over stimulation.”

“Turn there,” Lesion said. “We’re on the final stretch of road to his place.”

“Tell him to watch him till we get there,” Patches said.

“I heard him,” he nodded, wiping his face before turning around. “What am I watching for?”

“What is he watching for?”

“Tremors in his limbs or changes in breathing.”


“I counted fourteen breaths,” Beth whispered.

“Fourteen breaths,” Bishop said. “They counted fourteen.”

“They counted fourteen breaths,” Lesion said.

“Good. Check it every other minute till we get there.”

“Can Patches help him, can you help him?” he wondered, fighting for every breath again. “Should we call for air-lift or something?” The roar of the swamp dragon reached him. “Fuck, I hear you.”

“We’re here. We’ll both check him first and if we need to, we’ll call in the cavalry, brother.”


Tegan turned at the tap on her shoulder, finding an auburn-haired beauty with arms crossed and a smile on her pretty face. “I’m Juliette.”

She looked down at the outstretched hand and shook it. “I’m Tegan. From Texas.”

The girl shook her finger at her with a sly look. “You got a brother named Torin?”

Tegan drew back a little. “I sure do.”

She nodded. “I knew it. He could be your twin. He came and picked up your daddy’s mod from my brother’s shop. I still remember those melted Hershey chocolate eyes.”

She realized and dropped her jaw. “You’re the sister that wrangles alligators?”

“Among other things,” she said, her sneaky grin bringing Tegan’s now.

“Well, I’ll be. Just the woman I needed to see. I was thinking of setting up a Texas designer clothes shop and Mr. Patches said you were the one to talk to about alligator boots. I was thinking to start a line to go with my other merchandise.”

“Absolutely. Whatever you need, I can help.” She angled her head, curious. “What brings you way out here?”

She looked around, not sure how much she should say but something in the girl’s sparkling eyes said she knew all and might be testing her. “Patches needed some equipment I was selling, and I was just bringing it to show him how to set it up.”

She leaned in closer. “That bat equipment?”
