Page 65 of Patches

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“The whiners are loud but usually of little number.”

“I hope so. God, to be an outcast would be damnmiserable.”

“Ya’ll can always move to Texas.”

“He’s the doctor for the whole hoard! Would be like yanking people off of life support.” She shook her head. “I’ll find a way to get them to accept me.”

“I have no doubt you will,” he said, putting his arm around her.

“Tegan, Dr. Patches needs you in Becky’s room,” one of the nurses said, out of breath.

Panic bolted her through the door, and she raced through the corridor to her room, bursting in without knocking, finding them laughing. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Patches said, “She was just asking where her favorite nurse was.”

A breath left out of her, and he laughed.

“You thought she was having the baby?”

“Well, yeah! You said they could with the hurricane!”

He laughed real big. “It won’t be that fast if she does.”

“Don’t say that!” Becky scolded him.

“You’re right,” he said. “Better be ready to fly on a moment’s notice. Miss Tegan, when you’re done here, I need you downstairs.”

Her womb jerked so hard, she put her hand on it. “Be right there.”

The second he left, Becky went serious. “What in theworldis happening out there? I’ve been hearing bits and pieces all day. Sarah is in a foul mood too,” she hissed.

“Why you say that?” she asked, ready to be pissed.

“Well, she already don’t hide her true feelings for the nobodies except when Dr. Patches’s is around but shoo, today she was downright scary.” Her eyes were wide.

“Scary how?”

“The kind of scary I don’t want around me when I’m having a baby scary,” she whispered extra quietly.

“That two-face lying whore of a starvin’ heifer,” Tegan muttered.

“What’s it all about?” she whispered, glancing at the door. “Is it about you and Dr. Patches?” She smiled. “I know he likes you, I can see it. I bet Sarah can too.”

“Oh, she can. And Martha and Geraldine came gang up on me today playing all nice but they was anything but.”

“Those are some mean ones. I can’t believe Dr. Patches picked them for dates,” she barely mouthed like he was dumb as a box of beans.”

“Is she ever mean to you?” Tegan wondered, the idea about to make her go off.

She waved the whole thing off. “Nothing serious. Childish stuff. She does her job fine but her bedside manners with me are telling when Patches isn’t around.”

“Well, that’ll change,” she assured. “If I have anything to say about it and I think I will.”

She gasped. “I heard Juliette earlier. She was taking up for you?”

“She was, thank the good lord.”

“I love her so much,” Becky said with a proud, tight smile. “Everybody does.”
