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I shower quickly as promised and get back into the living area, wearing nothing but my robe and a towel wrapped around my head. Brody is still there, in the middle of assembling whatever is in the case.

He has also taken off his jacket, revealing that he’s carrying a large handgun in a holster by his bulging muscular shoulder, making him look dangerous and stern.

And incredibly hot.

I don’t know if I’m more distracted by the gun or by the size of Brody’s arms.

“What’s that thing?” I ask, approaching the assembly line. It has a tripod and parts that point outside the window. “Oh my God, it is a sniper rifle, isn’t it?”

Brody snickers, then shows me the main component of his toy. “These are professional hunting binoculars,” he says, showing me part of the lenses. “Just so I can get a good look at everyone who passes this street today.”

“And that thing on your shoulder?” I point at his gun.

“This?” He touches the gun gently, as one touching a sore spot. “This is for protection. I’m never without one.”

I widen my eyes and nod with caution. “Makes sense.”

“Did you come alone? I mean, if someone shows up downstairs, you’re not jumping from the third floor, are you?”

“No.” He replies with amusement while finishing the assembly of his binoculars. “That car on the other side of the street…”

He points and then I notice the black sedan parked across us, dark tinted windows all rolled up.

“Two of my men are there.”

Raising an eyebrow, I continue, “Thought you were understaffed?”

He looks at me as I go from his side towards the fridge, looking for food. “They owed me favors,” Brody shrugs.

The conversation dies as soon as I take a can of soda and leftover lasagna and put it on the counter.

“Hungry?” I try to ask, but he just shakes his head.

“Maybe later,” he says.

I open the soda and take a sip, waiting for my food to heat up. My eyes fixed on Brody as I begin to eat. He is just so manly…

A powerful stance and a powerful grip, always in control of the situation.

“Tell me about being a Navy SEAL,” I say, immediately regretting it, feeling slightly intimidated by him. “If you want to, of course.”

Brody looks at me from over his shoulder. “There’s isn’t much to say. It was a tough life, but a life worth living. I always knew I would serve like my father did.”

“Hum.” I shove a forkful of lasagna in my mouth, then speak with my mouth full, “You don’t seem like the typical military guy.”

I see him raising an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“You know…” Now I’m exasperated, knowing I’m just digging a deeper hole for myself. “Those guys who serve and never stop talking about it.”

His back broadens as he takes a deep sigh, and I can see every muscle outlined under the thin fabric of his shirt.

“I’m proud to have served my country. But things I had to do weren’t always pretty, so I’d rather keep it to myself. Suffice to say, I learned everything I possibly could, and everything I have is because of my time in the Navy then as a Navy SEAL.”

“Like being a billionaire?” I tease.

“Yup, that’s what you get serving paranoid big shots with top-of-the-line security.”

“I’m impressed,” I truly am. “And humbled that you’re here even though you don’t have to be.”
