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“Since we have a son together, Brody. You need to be a role model!”

“Ana, I’m as best of a role model as time allows me. Now I must hang up, okay, I’m arriving at Eric’s school.”

I don’t give her time to say goodbye, or anything else for that matter. It’s 3:15 pm and I’m already late. The last thing I want is a call from the school wondering where I am.

I identify myself at the entrance then push forward into the parking lot. This elementary school is the oldest in New York, which is supposed to make it the best. However, the high cost and the overall atmosphere created by the other parents give me the impression that I'm merely paying for the reputation.

After a while, I find a parking spot and rush into the late pickup room, finding Eric drawing while sitting at the colorful table right in the center of the room.

“Hey champ!” I say, coming in. He raises his head and looks around, acting ashamed of me.

“Dad…” He says, still looking around self-consciously while throwing his art in his backpack. “Don’t embarrass me!”

He’s almost eight but is on the way to being a teenager way sooner than I was expecting. In no time he’ll be asking to be dropped off a block away from school.

“Alright, let’s go home,” I offer him my hand, but he starts walking ahead of me. “Did you have fun today?”

Eric nods emphatically. “We had music today! Learned a new song and all…”

“Nice!” We go through the door. “You like art and music, don’t you?” He nods again.

Ana and I have no idea where he gets that from - her family is all lawyers, or doctors, and mine is almost exclusively military.

Maybe Sandra is to blame.

We’re on our way out of the door when I hear a voice call my name. Turning around, I see Lily smiling and waving her hand at me and a lightbulb goes off in my head.

“You teach musichere? How come I’ve never seen you around before?” I say astonished, walking back to her to greet her.

She kisses me lightly on the cheek and keeps on smiling. No sign of any weirdness so far.

“Probably because I’m new and usually not here on Fridays,” Lily says. “So, you’re Eric’s father… I should have seen the resemblance.”

I look at Eric and pat him in the head. He smiles, timidly. “Ms. Rockwell is our music teacher. She taught us how to play a new songon the recorder.”

“I’m going to miss you all so much!” She leans down to look at him. “What are the weekend plans?”

“I’ll just drop by to introduce you to Fryars and then head out with Eric for the beachside.”

Lily looks at me, unsure. “Fryars?”

“He will be replacing me for the weekend.” I say, hoping the disappointment isn’t heard through my voice.

When she doesn’t say anything, I continued, “Don’t worry, he’s one of my most trustworthy men.”

“Hum…” She starts to play with her hair and looks at the ground. “Is this because of last night?”

Here comes the weirdness plowing through.

“No,” I say. “It’s because I couldn’t reschedule my weekend with Eric.”

She looks at me from the corner of her eye. Her current attire exudes a sense of seriousness and professionalism, in stark contrast to the light and airy outfits I usually see her in.

I inspect her more closely and see she’s wearing a tailored black blazer that fits her perfectly, giving her a sense of authority and confidence. Underneath, she wears a crisp white button-down shirt, neatly tucked into a sleek black pencil skirt that falls just above the knee. The skirt, along with her polished black pumps, make her look sophisticated. Completing her outfit is a slim black belt that cinches at the waist.

I love this look on her and I see her a bit differently, especially knowing she’s the one who has been teaching my son music.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and clear my throat.
