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“Uh… We never had to do it before,” The guy I dubbed ‘Big Blond Guy’ says, chewing on a fingernail.

“Maybe someone in IT?” The guy I call ‘Tiny Blond Guy’ suggests, having the first good idea I’ve heard all morning.

“Can you go fetch us that someone please?” I request as politely as I can, knowing perfectly well I’m coming across as grumpy and impatient, but I don’t care.

Tiny Blond Guy dashes out of the room, leaving me alone with Big Blond Guy. After viewing the video playback yet again, I sigh and shake my head, bringing my fingers to my forehead.

“Are you with the police?” he asks.

“Bodyguard,” I reply, curt.

“But were you with the police before?”

“No,” I say, trying to hide my impatience. “Former SEAL.”

“Cool,” he says, impressed. “I asked because my cousin was from the police and…”

Tiny Blond Guy returns, saving me from this pointless conversation. He is accompanied by a young girl with headphones on.

“Hi, I’m Kiera,” she says, shaking my hand, “what can I help you with?”

“I need someone to track down the location of that first video call the show received,” I say.

Kiera places a hand on her chin, looks at the monitors with the paused video on it, and grabs an empty seat. She pulls it over to us and we all make room for her as she takes over the keyboard, typing furiously.

I lean in behind her chair, and pay attention to what she’s doing, but she’s so quick I can barely keep up with her speed.

“The one that came through at 11:07, right?” Kiera asks, still typing furiously.

“Probably, it was at the beginning of the final block,” I say.

“Here,” she finally stops typing and points out the data for me on the screen. “They used a VPN, but it’s faulty. All I know is that it came from a Verizon account somewhere in Brooklyn.”

“Can you send that data to my email?” I ask.

“Of course!” she minimizes the current screen, then opens Outlook. “What’s your email?”

I tell her. “Sent! Can I get back to work now?”

“Of course, Kiera. You were lovely.” I say with a nod and a sideways smirk.

She leaves through the door giggling, and the two guys look at me, impressed.

“Gentlemen, I thank you for your help,” I say, shaking their hands again. “I’ll be going my way, now.”

I head for the door, and when I’m about to open it, I hear Lily’s voice coming from the other side, tired and worried, “I think I’m pregnant, Sandra.”

My eyes widen and my hand grips the doorknob fiercely. That would explain why she was sick earlier.

“Who’s the father?” Sandra asks, keeping a hushed tone.

“I can’t tell you.” Lily says.

I can imagine Sandra raising an eyebrow. “You don’t know who the father is, or are you keeping it a secret?”

“Why does it matter?” Lily says, hurt. “I said IthinkI’m pregnant. I haven’t taken any tests yet!”

“Alright, alright,” Sandra says, peacemaking “I won’t pry. But you know what this means to your career, right?”
