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In the end, Sandra and I sit in silence in the waiting room, not looking at each other, hands frozen in between our knees and heads bowed down in fearful apprehension.

“What if he dies?” I ask in a fleeting voice, so soft that even I can barely hear it.

“Wasn’t it you who said he’s okay?” she asks, laying a hand on my back and patting me.

I shake my head, “I said hemightbe okay. I don’t know!” I bury my face into my hands and begin to cry again, unsure how it’s possible to make this many tears.

Sandra locks me in a sideways embrace, and rocks me softly, back and forth. I feel safe in her arms - maybe it runs in the family, though I’d much rather have Brody there with me.

“Nothing can beat that man, Lily,” she says, ruffling my hair, “maybe the flu. But all men become babies when they get the flu, don’t they?”

She giggles, trying to cheer me up, but fails miserably because I can sense in her voice that she’s just as scared as me.

“You know…” I say, “You don’t have to put on a tough facade because of me.”

Sandra lets me go for a moment and looks at me with fervor. “I know my brother, Lily. He’s only human, but he’s tougher than I’ll ever be, and I know he will not let this stop him. So don’t worry. What I’m saying is that he will be fine.”

I sigh, tired as if this has been a long night, but it’s only afternoon. And I’m supposed to perform a show later.

“Thank you,” I say, squeezing her hand.

“What are we going to do about the show?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Well, you’re under contract,” Sandra says, back to business, “You still need to be there.”

“Nuh-uh!” I deny her even the thought of it. “I’m not moving from here until Brody is out.”

“Lily…” Sandra says, nostrils flaring as if she is about to set fumes into the air. “We’re going to lose money.”

“Don’t care,” I say, averting my gaze from hers.

After what feels like eons, the doctor finally comes back. Clipboard and pen at hand, he looks from me to Sandra, trying to decide who’s more important.

“Who’s Brody’s sister?”

Sandra raises her hand, face full of impatient expectation. “Alright, uh, Brody is going to be okay. It was more of a scare. The injury was deep enough to require stitches, but it did not compromise any vital organs.”

Sandra and I hug tight, sighing together in relief. “Can we go in to see him?” I ask, eager for a change of scenery.

“Family first,” he points to Sandra, “fifteen minutes, then after you’re done, if he’s still feeling okay, you can go in, okay?”

“Okay…” I bitterly agree, watching as Sandra leaves towards the hall where his room is. “Don’t tire him out!”

“I won’t!” she waves me goodbye for the time being.

Chapter Eighteen


“OhmyGod,youlook like shit!” Sandra says, eye wide upon seeing me.

“Well, I feel like shit,” I say, my voice pasty and my vision blurred.

“Did they put you on morphine or something?” she asks, approaching cautiously as if I’m going to blow up.

“I think so,” I nod. I’m shirtless, all stitched and bandaged, still covered in my own blood and pissed off this happened.

“Is Lily with you?”
