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A short while later, I’m out again to put on the jewelry. Brody’s still in the shower, so I ask the closest male opinion, “How do I look, Eric?”

Eric, a lollipop in his mouth, testing one of the new games Brody got him, looks at me from head to toe and smiles, “You look pretty!”

I smile back at his sincerity.

“Thank you, Eric!” I kiss him on the temple.

Brody comes back to dry land a few minutes later, only to take me by the hand, make me twirl around, then kiss me on the lips before letting me go.

“You’re perfect,” he says, “exactly what I had in mind for tonight.”

He starts to get dressed, but I, hit by sudden realization, shove a finger in his face and say, “Wait a second! Are you and Sweets in cahoots about something?”

And he looks at me dumbfounded. “What does Sweets have to do with it?”

“She told me she has a surprise for me tonight,” I cross my arms, “and now you come, also full of plans? Something is going on!”

“Stop being so suspicious…” Brody says, sly. “I’m a saint.”

“Ha!” I cackle, “I know you enough to say with confidence that’s not true.”

We leave an hour later. This time, Eric comes with us, under some insistence from Brody, because he didn’t want to leave his games.

When we get to the concert hall, I head straight to my dressing room, and the band is already there, all looking at me like proud fathers looking at their debutante daughter.

“You look great, Lily!” Chris says.

“Won’t this thing fall off during the show?” Adrian says, meddling with my tiara.

“It has combs to hold it in place,” I shrug, “but I don’t know. Let’s find out!”

“Did the bodyguard get you this jewelry?” Emerson asks, an eyebrow raised.

“Yes, Em…” I nod my head, “And told me to wear it. I’m finding it weird, though — do you guys know anything about a surprise from Sweets?”

Silence. They all look at each other and then, start to laugh.

I place my hands at my hips and start tapping my foot, impatient. “So, everybody knows but me, huh?”

“The only thing that I can say is that the big surprise is not from Sweets,” Michael starts, laughter still in his voice, “it’s from Brody.”

I start to head outside to fetch Brody and make him tell me what’s going on, but Sandra shows up, smiling a sly smile and gently shoving me back inside.

“Five minutes, everyone!” she announces to the room in general.

“Okay, what do you know?” I ask her, and she has the same dumbfounded look on her face that Brody did.

“What do I know of what?” she asks, sounding offended.

“The surprise, Sandra!” I plead, my hands at the collar of her shirt. “Sweets and Brody have joined forces on something, and nobody will tell me what!”

Sandra looks at me in a stance that resembles more of a vixen than a human being. “Maybe you’re not supposed to know! But I do have a surprise of my own for you.”

Speechless, I look up at her with wide questioning eyes.

She smiles deviously and makes me wait a few moments.

“I can’t take it anymore! What is it?” I beg.
