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“Sir,” the flight attendant who served us in the first place speaks from behind Harvey. “We’re almost landing. Please take a seat.”

I reassure Parker I’m okay and he walks back to his seat. The poor flight attendant takes the barf bag and Harvey is rubbing my shoulders.

I’m taking deep breaths and feel slightly better as we prepare for landing.

As we exit the plane and walk to baggage claim, I feel much better.

“Let’s get to the hotel so you can rest,” Harvey says at the luggage pick-up.

“So, you two are just going to be all lovey-dovey in front of me all the time now?” Parker asks, standing behind us like a third wheel.

“Yes!” we shout back to him as one, and then kiss, as if to prove our point.

The three of us get into the same cab, but Parker climbs out much sooner than us since he’s staying in a different hotel.

We check in and head to our room.

“I’m glad we got here early for some time to ourselves.” Harvey says, jumping in bed and inviting me to join him.

We arrived a few days before the games start just to spend time together and Parker came early too to get his nerves under control and sightsee a bit on his own.

Harvey and I shower together, have dinner, and then go to a mall afterward to walk around.

“Are you feeling better?” he looks at me, loving to see me in his leather jacket, I bet.

“I’m fine!” I say, in a squeal, holding tight to his arm to shun the cold of the night away from me.

“Okay, but you’ll do me a favor…” he says, “You’re going to see a doctor tomorrow, okay?”

I roll my eyes. So absorbed by the conversation, I don’t pay attention to where we’re entering, but I soon realize that a single purse from one of these stores could buy me a luxury car.

“Harvey… No! Uh… Are you sure we should be here?” I say, feeling awkward as hell.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“I don’t deserve this much!” I speak in between my teeth, pure nerve, and cold sweat.

It’s then that Harvey takes me by the waist and brings my body close, and I shiver as I breathe in the scent of his cologne and feel his arms around me. My eyes are glued to his, and we look so deeply into each other that I feel like I could willingly drown in that ocean of blue.

“You deserve theworld,babe!” He dips me to kiss me, and I can’t stop giggling.

"But you are going to the doctor, right?” Harvey asks me, poking me in between my shoulder blades.

“It was just some motion sickness, Harvey. I’m okay!” I wave him off.

“Really? It happened just this once?” he asks, eyebrows raised to me.

I sigh, resigned. Maybe I should see a doctor since I’ve been having bouts of nausea over the past few weeks.

“Okay, you win. I’ll go,” I lean onto him, and he holds me with one arm.

“Thank you,” he squeezes my arm, making me feel protected and safe.

Early morning the next day, we’re at a private clinic where I pour out all of my medical history to a tiny doctor with big glasses. I go through a complete clinical exam and urine samples, and one hour later, I’m called back into the doctor’s office to receive the news.

“Well, Ms. Thompson,” the doctor says, his hands tented in front of him. “We found the reason for your nausea and vomiting.”

“And what is it, doctor?” I lean forward, hanging on to his words.
