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“I’d take the shirt off my back and wrap you in it, but I don’t think the wedding guests would approve.”

“There might be a bridesmaid or two who wouldn’t mind. I caught a few stares headed your way.”

“They were looking at how freakishly strong you are.” He squeezes on my bicep and feels the muscle beneath. “You put the delivery crew to shame with how easily you could shift those heavy trees around.”

“Tell that to my dad. He says I’m weak.”

“You are definitely not weak. I’d like to see you throw a punch.”

He moves his hands to my shoulders and starts to rub. I let out a moan as his thumbs find a knot in my back and work it out.

“Keep those hands moving the way they are, and I’ll save you from having to find out. Damn, do you have magic hands or what?” I drop my head forward.

I feel his chest vibrate against my back with the rumble of a groan.

“You’re amazing, you know that? This night, the event, it really is something, Melissa. I knew wedding designers existed, but I didn’t know it was an art. You’re very talented.”

I’m glad my back is to him so he can’t see me blush. “That’s nice to hear. Not everyone feels the same way.”

“Validation should only be given by the one who is seeking it.”

“Confucius says?” I bemuse.

“Will Bronson says.”

“Pretty deep.”

His hands continue working, this time lower down my back. “When you work in a profession that fluctuates from everyone loving you to hating you, it’s important to keep your pride in check and your priorities in order.”

I look over my shoulder. “The criticism and praise go hand in hand.”

“Even on the days I question my decision, I just remind myself why I joined the force in the first place.”

“To protect people.”

“The early retirement and pension package,” he deadpans, and I spin around with a quizzical, surprised look on my face. He smiles. “Yes, Melissa, I always wanted to catch the bad guys. I know you don’t think I’m a good guy, but I strive to be.”

I nod, knowing that as much as I question his actions when we first met, he has been pretty admirable since. “Do you ever get scared?”

“I’d be a fool if I didn’t. The way I see it, we’re on earth for a finite amount of time. If we give up every time something scares us or doesn’t go our way, we’d miss out on a lot of opportunities. You can’t get time back. You do, however, have unlimited chances.”

“No one ever wants a wasted life, and yet we spend so much time-wasting hours on meaningless moments. I’ve spent nights agonizing over thoughts, actions, and words said that have no bearing on my tomorrow.”

“The only validation that counts is your own, Melissa. Your work is an art.”

With a glance through the windows into the wedding venue, I see the room ornate with trees, candles, and swoony mood lighting. “I am really good at what I do.”

I grin and look up. He has a small piece of purple fuzz on his shirt. I pick it off and blow it away into the air.

“You’re impressive, Bronson. Who knew you were so astute?”

A luminous smile graces his face. “I know I just said you only need validation from yourself, but hearing that coming from you just did a lot for my ego.”

I laugh and shiver again. His hands find my arms again, and I look away.

The hedges and topiaries around the courtyard are perfectly manicured. They’re interesting objects, so pristine. All they need to do is be left alone for a week too long, and they unravel, everyone seeing them for the unruly messes they are. Except tonight. In this moment, they are shaped to perfection, not a branch discolored or out of form.

Sometimes, I feel like a hedge. Put together on the outside, but if I neglect to care for myself, I’ll unravel into an overgrown, frightened mess.
