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“It’s sweet that he’s taking this show so seriously,” Tara quips.

I smile. “A huge part of me questions whether he actually wants to do this or feels roped into it because of a cute kid in a wrist cast.”

Will ignores us and continues, “Come to Lone Tavern. I know, I know, Melissa, it’s not your favorite bar, but I promise you, they have amazing burgers, the beer’s always cold, and the music is really good. I even have it on good authority that they now serve Whispering Angel Rosé.”

“How do you know that?” I place a clean pan on the counter.

“Because I asked them to,” he says with a smile as he pushes off the counter. “Come out and listen to some music with me.”


I remember that music and the strong hand around my neck as he dipped me in the sexiest reverse choke hold ever. I shake my head because there is no way I can go to that bar with this man. It will lead to dancing, and so far, I am two for two in dancing experiences with Will that have led to me losing all control over my thoughts and body. I become possessed by the Will voodoo. It’s been weeks since he’s unleashed that damn smolder, and I’m very happy, staying doused from the flames that are William Bronson.

Before I can answer, Tara is jumping up and down. “Lone Tavern. I love that place.”

“You’re not concerned about crashing his boys’ night? Maybe even appearing a bit desperate?” I ask.

Will scoffs. “You’re a terrible fairy god-homie.”

“What’s that?” Tara asks, and I laugh with a bashful smile that he remembered our banter from that first night at Lone Tavern.

Will motions toward Tara’s phone. “Text Kent and ask him if he wants to go to Lone. I bet a stiff drink that he responds in thirty seconds with a yes.”

While Tara does as Will suggested, he moves to the sink and takes one of the dishes I just washed from my hand, grabs a towel, and starts to dry it. His hip presses up against mine, and the hair on his arm tickles my skin. I drop the bowl I was cleaning and have to bury my hand into the soapy water, looking for the bowl … and my composure.

Maybe I should start baking with Tara.

Her phone pings, and she lets out a guffaw. “Looks like I owe you a stiff drink, Officer Bronson.”

“I like my whiskey neat.”

She laughs and points a finger at him. “I like you. You’re certainly proving your worth.”

Will pauses mid-dry and tilts his head. “Thank you?”

Lifting her purse from the stool on the island, Tara swings around and then blows me a kiss. “Okay. I’m going home to get ready for our double date. Melissa, I’ll be by at nine to pick you up.”

I blink up at her, but she’s out of the kitchen, chanting good-byes to my kids before she’s out the door like a tornado of black-haired, blue-eyed energy.

“Did she just say double date?”

Will takes the cup out of my hands—hands that seem to have frozen in place.

“She did say double.”

The room is suddenly very, very quiet … aside from Lizzo singing about getting ready for love in the background.

“A double date implies it’s a date. But it’s not a date.”

He purses his lips with a slow, knowing nod. “It’s not a date, but it’s a double.”

I look up at him in question. “What does that mean?”

With the dishes now cleaned, he turns the faucet off, dries his hands on a towel, and tosses it on the counter. “Guess we’ll see.”

He winks and walks out of the room, taking my nerves with him.

“Hey, Mom. Hunter said you wanted to see me.” Izzy walks past Will, high-fives him in the doorway, and comes into the room.
