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There’s a mirror in the hallway. My cheeks are red, my face flush, and the hair on my head is flying up in random directions, thanks to the wind that picked up when I got out of the car. I pat my hair down with the pads of my fingers and try to look a modicum as good as I did when I showed up for the talent show.

“You came here to tell me about my feet?”

The bottle of whiskey is in my hand as I turn toward him. He’s curious, yet the way he’s leaning back on his heels with his hands crossed over his chest, he appears slightly amused.

“No, I came here to give you this.” I hand him the bottle, and he takes it, looking at the label of the same whiskey we drank last night at Lone Tavern.

“Thank you?” His appreciation comes out as a question. “Was this all you came here for?”


Will gives an amused flicker of an eyebrow. “Maybe,” he repeats and lowers his gaze to mine, probing me to finish my sentence.

I play with the buttons of my jacket. This was easier when I drove here on autopilot and adrenaline.

“You left before I was able to say thank you. Thank you for being an amazing friend to me. For not only beingmyknight in shining armor, but also for what you did for my son. Man, you freaking levitated him off the ground—and I need you to tell me how you did that because, well, talk about a party trick. And not just the show—although it was cute, and you looked adorable in a tux, by the way—but also the attention you gave Hunter these past few weeks. That was amazing, Will. You’re so amazing, and I don’t tell you enough. Probably because we’ve only known each other for a second, but it’s a second too long for me to tell you that. I also owe you a fierce apology because my ex is an ass.”

“You don’t owe me an apology.”

“I do because I brought him into your life. Which is why, while you didn’t have to defend me tonight, I am so grateful that you did. That was really …” I bite my lip, thinking of all things I could say.Kind. Brave. Masculine … sexy as hell. “Amazing.”

“You said that already. I don’t disagree. I am pretty amazing.”

I raise a shoulder in agreement and roll my eyes. “It was the best adjective I could think of.”

“Astonishing,” he quips with a grin.

I squint my eyes, wondering where he’s going with this. With a squeeze of his shoulders, he seems to be thinking.

“Astounding. Staggering. Awe-inspiring.”

“Okay. I see what you’re doing there.”


“Conceited,” I retort.

“Startling. Stupendous.”

“Yes, stupid. You’re such an idiot.” My light giggle betrays me.


“Okay, we already know you’re good-looking.”


“By what?”


That simple word nearly knocks me on my ass. I have to metaphorically hold myself up against the wall before falling.

My mouth is dry as I exhale slowly and regroup my wits. “I thought you were deranged when it came to me.”

“Melissa, there aren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe how I feel when I’m around you.”

Perplexing. It’s another word for him that has my chest rising and my stomach tightening as he saunters toward me and places the bottle on the entryway table. With long, deft fingers, he undoes the buttons of my coat, one by one. I watch his large hands as they undress me of my jacket. My brain is woozy from the scent of vanilla, hot-blooded man, and … garlic?
