Page 45 of Love… It's Messy

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Ainsley notices us up the block and waves her hand wildly as she shouts for me. Her other hand is wrapped in Luke’s strong one, which she starts to pull in order to run over to us. Luke slows her down.

The amber hues of the gas lamps are showing off the matching highlights in their dark hair. There’s a glow about Ainsley as she looks up at Luke and smiles. His eyes, however, are trained on mine as they close the distance. Those golden flecks in his eyes are damn near primal as they lock with mine and send a heated wave of intensity straight to where I’m standing, nearly knocking me over.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don’t over imbibe on wine.

As I mentally right myself, Ainsley and Luke cross the street and walk up to us. Ainsley releases her hand from Luke’s to give Tara a huge hug.

“Hey, squirt. Look at you, all dressed up.” She ruffles Ainsley’s hair, who is looking up at Tara with full cheeks and a bright smile.

“I went on my first date! We went to the movies, and we even ate dinner in our seats. I got a hot dog and popcorn and soda!” Ainsley exclaims to Tara, who places a hand on her hip as she turns to me.

“Why does this guy get to spoil our girl with soda, but I have to keep it under lock and key when I babysit?”

I drop my shoulders and lower my chin at Luke. “Soda?”

He waves me off like I’m overreacting. “I got her the Sprite because it’s caffeine-free, and she promised to brush her teeth twice before bed,” he explains and then looks at Tara. “If she’s mad at that, imagine how pissed she’ll be at the R-rated action flick we just saw. Lots of violence and profanity.”

“Luke!” I reprimand.

Tara and Luke chuckle like schoolchildren who pulled a prank on the principal.

“Is she always this gullible?” he asks Tara, thumbing toward me.

“Delightfully, yes,” she answers and looks at him with her chest raised and hip jutted out. It’s her provocative peacock pose and one I’ve seen her use many times when she’s in the presence of a man. “I’m Tara.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“All bad, I hope.”

I roll my eyes at the over-the-top way she’s flirting with Luke. I’ve never complained about her flirtatious ways, but this feels out of character for Tara. Like she’s trying extra hard on purpose. I give her a questionable stare, and she winks at me.

Ainsley taps Luke on the arm, and he bends down to listen to what she has to say. She whisper-yells into Luke’s ear, “This is the one I was telling you about. Mom says she’s too boy crazy, but she really wants a boyfriend, and I think you should marry her.”

Tara’s peacock morphs into a chicken with her head popped forward as she listens to Ainsley’s assessment. “Lady, if we are going to be friends, you need to learn to not share the gossip. Besides, Luke already has a girl.”

I pull Ainsley by the shoulder and over to me. “Enough matchmaking for you, kiddo. You’re only four.”

“I’m gonna be five soon.”

“Five. Not fifteen,” I explain and then kiss the top of her head.

Luke gazes at Tara speculatively. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Who told you that?”

“Jillian. She clearly must have gotten her facts confused with another man she lets watch her children.” Tara shoots me questioning eyes and then looks back at Luke. Her blue eyes look like pinballs as they shoot from one side to the other. She has a wicked grin on her face as she takes her cell phone out of her bag. “We should exchange numbers. If we’re both going to be looking after Ainsley, it would benefit us to be in contact.”

“Uh …” He pauses and looks at me for approval.

I merely shrug my shoulders.

“Sure.” Luke slides his hands out of his jacket pockets and takes Tara’s phone to input his number.

I assume he’s well aware she doesn’t just want to talk about Ainsley’s child care schedule.

Tara stares at Luke while he puts his information in. Her lashes flutter. “Jillian, you didn’t tell me Luke was this handsome.”

“You know I can hear you, right?” he asks as he hands her phone back to her.

“Yep.” She winks and then puts her phone in her bag. “I’ll be in touch.”
