Page 10 of My Bully's Love

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“I’m going to come all over this pussy,” Jace warns just before he tightens his hold on my hair and I feel warm jets of fluid land on my thighs. He grunts and then pulls back a bit and aims his penis towards my opening. He still doesn’t enter, but he covers it with his seed. I’m just about to come when he pulls his hand away, along with his penis, leaving me unfulfilled once again, “You don’t get to come, yet.”

A whimper escapes and my body sags onto the desk. I feel him move away, and hear him zip his pants back up. A moment later, he is rubbing cream on my behind just like he did last time. He makes it a point to graze my folds as he rubs the cream in, which in turn, also gets on my folds. The coolness of the cream does something to me, and I gasp.

Jace chuckles, “You like that do you? I figured you would.” He slaps my sore butt one last time and then brings my panties and jeans up, “You will not clean yourself until I say you can. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Jace.”

“Good. Remember how I used to climb into your room when I was younger?” He asks.

I nod.

“Well, I want you to leave your window open. I will be paying you a little visit at ten o’clock. I want to make sure that you obey me. When I come through that window, I want you laying on your bed, bare from the waist down, and you better still have my dried semen on you.” He helps me to stand, and then turns me to face him, pushing a stray hair behind my ear. I’m sure I need to redo my ponytail, but that’s the last of my concerns at the moment.

Jace continues with his commands, “If you are a good girl and are still soiled in my baby batter, then I will let you come. How is that?”

I must smile, because he smirks at my reaction. I am totally excited; I’ve been craving a release for far too long. I’m willing to do anything in order to have that release. He takes my head in both his hands and moves it around as he is examines my face.

“I have to admit that you are very beautiful when your makeup is all smudged and running down your face,” he leans in closer and lowers his voice, “I can’t wait to see how bad it gets when I actually fuck you, whichwillhappen in the near future.” He runs the back of his forefinger down my cheek before turning and leaving me standing here all by myself.

“Ella, did you hear me?” my mom’s voice brings me back to the present, “What’s going on with you lately?”

The concern on my mother’s face make me feel like crap. I’m trying so hard to act normal, but day by day, it’s getting harder, especially since Jace has taken his bullying up a notch. What he did to me this afternoon wasn’t right, and I should say something, but I signed that stupid NDA, allowing him to do what he wants to me. I just never thought that he would take it this far. I thought he hated me. How can someone who hates someone else get themselves off the way he did? Not only was it wrong, but it totally turned me on, and if that isn’t wrong then I don’t know what is. What is it about Jace Palmer that has me craving his touch?

“I’m sorry mom. I just have a lot on my mind. Mid-terms are coming up and I still have not decided on what college I’m going to attend,” I take a bite of my meatloaf, “It’s all just stressing me out.”

“Well, you need to give yourself a break every once in a while, honey. It isn’t good for you to be so stressed out at your young age.”

“I’m eighteen, mom, I’m an adult.” I roll my eyes.

“You may be eighteen, but you are still our baby girl, and we don’t like seeing you like this.”

“Don’t like seeing who like what?” My dad asks as he comes walking into the kitchen after just getting home from work.

“Oh, just our daughter that thinks she needs to take on the world, stressing herself out. I told her she need to relax a little more; she’s still so young.” My mother responds as he leans down and kisses her head first and moves over to me, doing the same thing.

“Your mother is right, Ella. Be a teenager for once,” He takes his seat between mom and myself, “Why don’t you go to Jace’s party? Your sister is going.”

Shoot! I completely forgot that was tonight! How does he plan on coming over if he has a house full of people? I bite my lip as I contemplate what his angle is this time, forgetting that my dad is waiting for me to answer.

“Ella?” My dad raises his brow.

“Oh, parties aren’t my thing. Besides, I’m already stressing about mid-terms coming up, I need to study.” I start shoving food into my mouth so I can’t answer any more questions.

“Oh, one night isn’t going to hurt, but hey, it’s your life.” Dad raises his hands in defeat.

I finish my supper and then excuse myself. Elise has already gone upstairs to get ready for the party, and as much as I want to help her, I don’t want to be reminded that once again, I’m left out of doing what others are doing because I somehow pissed off my best friend two years ago. I’m not going to pretend that I don’t miss my best friend or that I’m not hurt by being the only person not invited tohisparty, but damn it…I am! I just want to take a nice long bath and go to bed, so I don’t have to think about it, but of course, I can’t, because he told me I couldn’t. I guess I’m good enough for him to assume ownership, but not good enough to be seen at his party.

It’s only nine o’clock and the party next door is already raging. Music and laughter rings out through the night, making it hard to concentrate on anything. I wasn’t lying when I said I had mid-terms coming up, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do, study. My thoughts keep wandering to my sister, though, hoping Jace sticks to our agreement. I texted Elise about fifteen minutes ago, but have yet to hear back from her.

I hear a loud, nasally voice, so I quickly turn off my bedroom light and peek out through the curtains. Kaylee is out in Jace yard, already stumbling, as she hangs onto someone’s arm. I watch as she stands on tiptoe and kisses the other person, and my heart begins to race, because the guy she is kissing is Jace. He holds onto her upper arms as their mouths remain infused for another minute or so. Moving away from the window, I feel the sting in my eyes. How can he be with someone like Kaylee Simpson? I thought he had better taste than that, but I guess there are a lot of things that I no longer know about my neighbor. I hear Kaylee’s nasally giggle again, and decide to turn on my own music to try and drown it out.

By quarter to ten, the party is still in full swing. Elise had finally answered back that she was fine just a little while ago, so I’m going to try and get some sleep. I highly doubt Jace will be coming over; he’s probably getting it on with Kaylee right now. I don’t leave my window open, but I do leave it unlocked, because it is easy to open from the outside when it isn’t locked. I’m not going to listen to the blaring music while I’m trying to sleep by leaving the window wide open.

Even though he said he would, I’m still startled when I’m woken up by hands sliding up my naked thighs. Yes, I still obeyed everything just in case, so I’m bare from the waist down, and now his hands are feeling me up. I reach over and turn the little bedside lamp on so I can see his face. It isn’t a bright light, but it’s enough. The smirk I see on his face tells me that he’s felt traces of his dried seed on the inside of my thighs. Reaching higher, I flinch when he inserts two of his fingers inside of me.

I know it will probably earn me a punishment, but just the thought of him being with Kaylee and then touching me, makes my stomach lurch. I shove his hand away and squeeze my thighs closed, locking him out. He doesn’t say anything, but pinches the inside of my thigh hard.

