Page 9 of My Bully's Love

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I never got the chance to talk to Ella because my mom called me in to work in her store due to her help calling in sick. Just before lunch, Madison walks in with her brother at her heels. After chatting me up for a bit, Madison goes in search of a new outfit while Mason stays behind. I’m not sure if it was his plan or what, but Mason leans in close to me and holds his hand out. I look at him, confused.

“I’m actually glad I ran into you because it will save me a trip.” Opening his hand, he shows me a familiar diamond stud earring, “Ella must have dropped this in my car last night. Could you see that she gets it back, it looks expensive.”

I clench my jaw, but take it from him anyway, “Yeah, sure. It was expensive, and a birthday gift." I would know, since I’m the one who bought them for her.

“Man,” Mason grins and leans in even more, “Ella sure is a wild one! She was all over me, couldn’t get enough!”

I raise my brow.

“Oh, come on,” he playfully punches my arm, “I know you two are best friends, so I’m sure she called you after I dropped her off last night. It took me a while to get her to finally get out of my car.” He chuckles, “I won’t mind tapping that again.”

My mother walks in from the back room just in time, because I was about ready to shove my fist down Mason’s throat. As soon as Mason and Madison left the store, I told my mom that I needed to leave. When I was sure that she would be okay at the store by herself, I left, but I didn’t go to Ella’s. No fucking way, that bitch was dead to me.

Instead, I spent the rest of the weekend blackmailing pretty much the whole senior class into not talking to Ella Baxter. I told some that she was a backstabbing bitch and couldn’t be trusted. Since we had been best friends our whole lives, they all believed me. I told the girls that she likes to steal boyfriends, and anything else that I could make up about her in order for people not to like her. As for her two other best friends, Amy and Bree, I knew of a secret that included both of them and I promised that I would tell the world about it if they didn’t stay away from Ella.

I honestly couldn’t believe that by the end of the week, the whole school had shunned the girl that I loved, and it was all my fault. I had become friends with some of the jocks and other popular kids, and next thing I know, I’m the most popular, and most feared guy in the school. I continued to play my part in Ella’s destruction, and became her bully. I felt as though it was the only way that I could continue to stay close to her. I made sure that others knew that she was off limits to them unless I said so. After a while, I started to become turned on by some of the cruelty I was showing her. I had read up on why I would be feeling that way, and that is when I learned of the kink world. I wanted to be part of it, and I wanted Ella to be part of it.

I’ve continued to be her bully, because of the power it gives me and because I know what it’s starting to do to her, I’ve been noticing it little by little since sophomore year. I knew when she developed her crush on me, after the fact that I was now her bully. She doesn’t like to be treated the way I treat her, but it turns her on. Would I ever truly hurt her? You bet, but only in a way that will give her the pleasure that she needs. If I need to threaten her in order to get her to let me do bad things to her because I know she needs and wants it, so be it. I will do what it takes to get Ella Baxter to submit to me all on her own.

The contract was only supposed to scare her. The fact that she has signed it, opens up so many new options for me. Oh, Ella, if only she knew just how much of a devil I really am. She made me this way, and now she needs to suffer the consequences in the most delicious ways possible.

When I lean down to take the contract, my mouth goes to her ear, flicking her lobe with my tongue, and then nipping it, “That’s a good girl, Ella. Shall we move on to your punishment now?”

Her head whips around, “Why do I need to be punished if I’m a good girl?” The pout she makes is so adorable. I can’t wait to take advantage of that mouth, but that is for another time, another punishment.

“Oh, did you forget about the ones you earned last night?” I run my hand around her ribcage and up, squeezing her left breast, “Or the fact that you just questioned me?” I pinch her nipple just so I can hear the delicious gasp that escapes her perfect lips.

“N-No, Jace. I’m s-sorry.”

I love my name on her lips, it’s the only reason why I’m not making her call me Sir or Master. I’ve played around with BDSM, even took the required classes to become a Dominate, but I’ve never taken a submissive. That spot was always reserved for one person, and she’s about to start her first lesson on submitting to her Master.

Chapter 5

Punishing Ella

“Go to Mrs. Kemper’s desk and grab the rule that is laying by her computer.” Jace orders me, and as agreed, I obey him. Walking slowly over to her desk, I find the wooden ruler that he was talking about and bring it to him. He shows no emotion as he takes it from me, but he does swing it through the air, and then slapping it down on his palm, “That will work perfectly.” He nods toward the nearby desk, “Pull you pants down and then bend over that desk.”

My eyes go to the desk, and then the ruler in his hand, and lastly, his face. His brow is raised as he waits for me to do as he says. I knew there was a possibility that I would be getting spanked today, but I thought it would be by his hand again. This is so going to hurt. Unbuttoning my jeans, I move towards the indicated desk and pull my jeans down, just over my butt. Bending over, I wait for him to begin, and when he doesn’t start right away, I start to freak out a little. I think that’s his plan, though. The longer he makes me wait, the more it affects me my mental state.

I jump a little when he brings his hand to my butt and begins to rub and squeeze it, “My bad, I didn’t instruct you correctly. From now on, when I tell you to pull your pants down, the panties go down too,” he yanks the lace fabric down to where my jeans stop, “If you don’t, I will rip them off, and you won’t like the extra punishment.”

I don’t say anything, because he didn’t form it as a question, but I had the urge to answer him with a ‘yes, sir” for some odd reason. I’m still lost in my thoughts when his hand comes down, producing a sting that both hurt and turned me on. I know he told me not to talk, but he also ordered me to count whenever I got a punishment, and so I do.


He grunts his approval and proceeds to spank me with his open palm, and not the ruler. My count starts wavering after twelve whacks, but I manage to make it to twenty, before the spanking stops. I jump once more when he jams a finger within my folds, and chuckles. He doesn’t stop right away, but decides to play with me for a few minutes, and just when I think I’m going to come, he pulls his hand away.

“Bad girls don’t get to come.” He whispers in my ear, and I whimper, “God, you really are a little slut, aren’t you? I can do whatever I want to you, and all you are worried about is coming.”

That’s when I feel it, the burning pain of the ruler coming down across both cheeks. I stand up on my toes, trying to move, but he brings it down again, much harder this time, “Don’t fucking move! You’re going to take your punishment, Ella.” The ruler then comes down consecutively, leaving behind heated welts. I couldn’t even keep up on the count, that’s how fast he brought it down. It isn’t until I hear the wooden stick hit the floor that I know he’s done, but then he steps up so close, that I can feel the abrasiveness of his jeans rub against my welted butt.

“You look so beautiful with a pink ass, Ella.” His hand lightly runs over my heated skin, “God, it makes me so turned on,” He steps back, “Stay right where you are, I’m not quite done.”

I hear a zipper and then some rustling, and realize that he just opened his own jeans. I try to turn, but he pushes me down again, grunting. He doesn’t lecture me for moving, but he does step up behind me once more, and that’s when I feel it. A long, hard object, covered in a silky outside. Oh my God, he has his penis out! He isn’t going…is he? He can’t…I’m not ready! I start to squirm once more, but then he grabs my hair from the back and yanks my head back.

“Calm the fuck down, Ella, I’m not going to fuck you!” He slides himself in between my thighs as he watches my face, “You like that? Do you like the feel of my cock rubbing against your dripping cunt?” He’s huge, as he thrusts in and out through my wetness, but never enters me. He brings his other hand around and plays with my sensitive nub. I moan and my hips begin to grind back against him, “See, I knew you were nothing but a little slut. You act as though you don’t want me to fuck you, but your body is telling me different.”

My pants become louder the closer I get to climaxing. I can’t believe how much my own body is deceiving me. Maybe Jace is right, maybe I’m nothing more than a little slut who gets off on pain. His thrusts get faster and he rubs my nub just as fast, building the desire within me until I’m about to explode.
