Page 102 of My Bully's Love

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A knee to my groin has me waking up in the middle of the night to a flailing Ella. I’m trying to get her to wake up as I nurse my dick. She’s mumbling things that I don’t understand, but it doesn’t matter, she’s in distress and I can’t stand seeing her that way, so I let go of my crotch and begin to try and shake her awake with both hands wrapped around her upper arms. She only thrashes more, but if I say her name any louder, I will wake her parents up. I also don’t want them hearing her and come running in here, because I don’t think they would be too happy finding me in their daughter’s bedroom, especially after the meeting we had tonight.

Leaning in close to her ear, I’m practically laying on top of her as I say her name repeatedly as loud as I dare. Finally, just when I was about to give up, I get through to her, and she jerks awake. She’s disoriented at first, but then she must recognize her surroundings. I pull her in and squeeze her, all too happy to have her awake and not stuck in whatever nightmare she was in.

I ask her if she wants to talk about it, but she refuses, and it unsettles me just a little bit. I wish she would understand that she can talk to me about anything, especially things like this, that cause her to have nightmares. When she tells me that she doesn’t want to relive it again, understanding hits me. Those motherfuckers are still messing with her; maybe not physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. I hate myself for what happened to her, and will never forgive myself for it, but I will get her past this, I don’t care what it takes.

When I finally get her back to sleep against my chest, it takes a while to fall back asleep. There are too many things running through my head at the moment. What’s going to happen after court? How much longer will I have her before she has to return home? I know she’s got two jobs that she needs to get back to, but I hate knowing that I’m going to be losing her for a few weeks until I can get out there myself. I hold Ella just a little bit tighter, because I have a feeling that I won’t be able to do so any longer after court is over, maybe only a day or so longer.

I’ve already made up my mind that I’ll be going to the State University, there in New Haven, and I won’t be waiting until the fall before I head over either. I’ve saved enough from the Training Center that I should be able to get my own place, at least for the summer until I can move into the dorms, or maybe I’ll keep my place instead of living the dorm life. When I told Jude of my decision, he was upset that I would be leaving so soon, but he understood and said he would check with the boss to see if he knew of any facilities close to where I would be, so I can continue doing what I do best.

I still don’t know Ella’s feelings on me working as a trainer, and I would like to say that it doesn’t matter, because she doesn’t get to tell me what to do; it’s the other way around, but Jude is right, I’m pussy whipped. What will other Dominants think if they see how much I actually let Ella get away with? More stuff keeps coming up that will need to be discussed with Precious, but I haven’t even been able to talk to her about the one thing that is most important to her…why I broke our friendship off.

Chapter 39

A Day in Court

Sitting out in the hallway at the courthouse, waiting for our case to be called, I can’t stop my leg from bouncing nervously. Jace literally has to hold it down with his hand, and even then, it doesn’t stop it completely. I don’t think I would be quite as nervous if I didn’t have four pair of eyes burning holes into me from down the hall where my attackers sit and wait with their lawyers and parents. When I take a quick peek in their direction, they all glare except for one. Mason sits a little apart from the other three and has a smirk plastered to his face as he stares at me. I turn back to Jace and my parents who are oblivious to the others. I guess if they can ignore them, I should at least try.

I place my hand over Jace’s that is still on my leg, and I give it a light squeeze. When he glances at me, I smile and mouth the words thank you. He nods and then lifts my hand to place a kiss on top of it. My face heats when I see that my mom noticed Jace’s little show of affection, and she smiles excitedly. My eyes roll at her, but Jace still rumbles under his breath.

“Such disrespect, Precious. That earns you a spanking once we get back home.” Jace raises his brow as he speaks softly to me.

“That wasn’t for you, Jace.” I whisper.

“It doesn’t matter. I plan on breaking you of that eye roll you seem to enjoy using on everyone.” He gives me that stern look, daring me to argue, but I know better. Instead, I give him what I know he likes to hear.

“Yes, Sir.”

He smirks and then kisses my hand once more just as our case is called. He never let’s go of my hand until we get to the front of the courtroom, and I have to go through the little swinging door to sit at the Prosecutor’s table. He doesn’t go far, though. In fact, Jace and my mom sit directly behind me, giving me their strength to make it through this ordeal.

The bailiff asks us to stand as the judge comes into the courtroom. The judge is a man who looks to be in his early fifties, with a scowl painted on his face. I’m not sure if I should take that as a good sign or a bad one, but then I hear my dad’s sudden intake of breath and I glance over at him. There is a tick in my father’s clenched jaw as we are told to be seated. I don’t have to ask him what is wrong because he leans in right away and tells me that this is a different judge than the one that was supposed to preside over this case.

Well, this can’t be good. Why would they replace the other judge? I turn my attention back to the room when I hear a burly voice talking to the Defendants. Of course, as expected, all four plead not guilty, and the hearing begins. When this all started and we went through a grand jury, every juror had agreed on an indictment, giving us hope that the trial jury will see it the same way as the grand jury, but my dad explained that it isn’t always the case. Different evidence can be brought in that could change things around, but we are hoping that since there really isn’t any other possible evidence then it should be an open and closed case, with us coming out as the victors.

One by one, each of my attackers takes the stand to try and defend themselves the best they can. My father is brutal as he asks both Toby and Brandon the questions that he had lined up for them specifically since Toby is the one that held me, and Brandon was the one that was about to rape me. When Kaylee got on the stand, though, my dad played nice at first, until he was sure that Kaylee had let down her guard, and then he laid it on her the worst, because she was the ringleader in all of it.

When Kaylee started her fake tears, I glance over at the jurors and notice that about half are sympathetic to her, while the others show no signs as to how they feel at all. By the time all four are questioned, it’s time for lunch and the judge calls it, telling us that court will resume in one hour. I’m so ready for a break that I quickly leave the courtroom and head for the women’s restroom.

My bladder was about to burst had the judge not called for lunch, so it felt so good relieving myself. I step out of the stall and go straight to the sink to wash my hands and pat my face with some cold water. As I’m bent over the sink, I hear the door open, and to my dismay, hear a nasally voice speak to me as though she has every right to do so.

“Well, look who we have here! Little miss goody-two-shoes who thinks that she’s going to send us to jail over a stupid little prank.” Kaylee stands directly behind me and crosses her arms.

I ignore her completely just like my dad had instructed me to, but Kaylee isn’t having any of it. She steps in my path when I try to leave, and every time I go to walk around her, she follows, blocking my exit each time. Kaylee isn’t the one that scares me, she’s just annoying as hell, but I refuse to give her anything that will work against me in this case, so I just wait her out. I stare at the wall just past her as I ignore every word, which only pisses her off.

“I don’t know what Jace see in you,” she looks me up and down, “You’re a pathetic nerd. Oh, but wait, that’s right, you let him do whatever he wants to you, because you’re his little greedy whore, aren’t you?”

Her words send me into a slight panic, because they are the same words that are said on the video. If Mason is the one who took the video, did he show it to the other three as well? I must give something away in my facial expression because Kaylee starts to chuckle.

“You do, don’t you? How many others do you spread your legs for? Who else gets to call you a dirty slut and greedy whore?” I finally glare at her, but she sneers back at me, “I should have let them rape you, you fucking cunt! Then we would have seen if Jace would have still wanted you! You’re nothing but…”

“THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH!” A voice cuts her off, but it’s not one that I would have expected. Kaylee’s mom stands in the doorway to the restroom with a bright red face as she glares at her daughter.

“Mom, what are you doing?” Kaylee’s annoyance at her mother’s interruption is noticeable in her voice.

“I could ask the same to you, Kaylee! You know you are not supposed to have any contact with Ella, and not only do you break that order, but the words, also, that I just heard come out of your mouth…” her mother takes a deep breath, “I don’t even know who you are anymore! You need help, especially after what you all did to poor Ella. Why, Kaylee? Just because a boy you liked didn’t like you back?” The woman shakes her head with tears in her eyes, “I don’t fault him for not liking you, I wouldn’t want to date a vile girl like yourself either!”

“What are you saying mom?” I hear a bit of hurt in Kaylee’s voice when she asks her mom this question.

“I’m saying that I hope they send you to some kind of treatment center, because you need help, and I no longer wish to have you under the same roof as me and your father. Not until you’ve gotten the help that you need.” Her mom then turns to me, “Please forgive me, Ella. I don’t know where we went wrong in raising her, but we must have somewhere. Please let us know if there is anything that her father and I can do for you.”
