Page 103 of My Bully's Love

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I nod, “Thank you, Mrs. Simpson. That really means a lot, and I don’t blame you or your husband for this. This is all Kaylee.”

Mrs. Simpson holds her arm out to me, and I move towards her as I step around her daughter who is now frozen to where she’s standing with her mouth hanging open. The woman puts her arm around my shoulder and walks me out of the restroom, leaving her daughter behind.

After Mrs. Simpson walked me over to my family and relayed everything to my dad that she overheard her daughter saying to me in the restroom, she gave me a hug and wished me good luck. I don’t know about you, but I know I can’t even begin to try and understand the pain that woman must be going through, having to turn her back on her own daughter. I would like to believe that I never have to worry about it, but I’m sure she thought the same exact thing at one time.

My father had excused himself, telling us to go grab a bite to eat and that he would meet us if he had time. He needed to meet with both judge and Defense attorney about adding Mrs. Simpson to the witness list for the Prosecution. He wasn’t gone long before he met us at the diner across the street from the courthouse. It was all set and needless to say, the Defense wasn’t happy about it at all.

When mom excused herself to make a phone call after she was done eating, dad excused himself as well, leaving me and Jace alone for the first time today. I’ve picked at my food the whole time, only taking little bites here and there, but I just didn’t have the stomach for it right now. My thoughts are all over the place after my run-in with Kaylee. I don’t know why I was handpicked to be bullied by them; I still don’t know why Jace did it either. I glance over at him and see that he is already staring at me, probably wondering what I’m thinking about.

“You seem to have a lot on your mind, Precious. Would you like to share any of it with me?” Jace asks.

I study him a moment, “Kaylee said something in the restroom, and now I can’t stop thinking about it.” I shrug.


I sigh, “She referenced a couple of things that were said in the video that was made of us. How would she know? Do you think Mason shared it with her, with all three of them?”

“Maybe it wasn’t Mason. We just assumed it was because Madison wouldn’t give up the name.” He thinks about it for a moment, “Maybe it was one of the others or Kaylee, herself.”

I scoff, “I highly doubt Kaylee would climb a tree just to get a video.”

Jace nods in agreement, “Very true, but hey, her and the other two seem pretty tight, so maybe one of them?”

I throw my hands up in frustration, “That’s just it, all we can do is assume, and obviously we know it was one of the four of them.”

Jace takes my hand and holds on to it over the table, “Hey, try and calm down. There isn’t anything that we can do about it right now. Let’s just concentrate on getting through today and then we will turn our attention to the video, okay?” He brushes a piece of hair away from my face and smiles at me.

I can’t resist his smile and I find myself returning one of my own, “I’m so glad that you are here with me, Jace. I don’t know how I would be able to get through today without you.”

“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, Precious.” He kisses my hand.

“Jace, can you tell me why you did it? It keeps getting pushed off, and I need to know why you tossed me aside two years ago.”

His eyes turn stormy, but I it’s not towards me, he’s mad at himself for doing what he did, “Do you remember that party that we went to together before everything went to shit?”

I nod my head, “I’ve gone over that night a million times trying to figure out what went wrong. I know I was angry with you because you left with Madison without telling me, I had to hear it from Mason.”

“Yeah, well, it seems like Mason had a lot to do with it as well, since he’s the one that lied to me.” Jace scowls.

My forehead creases when I crinkle it in confusion, “What do you mean, Mason lied, about what?”

Just as Jace goes to answer, my phone rings and the caller ID shows that it’s my dad, “Hey, Dad.” I answer. He tells me that we need to be back in the court room in less than ten minutes, “Oh, okay, we will head back then. I love you too, Dad.” I hang up and notice that Jace is already

settling our bill with the server, “Dad says we need to head back.”

“Yeah, I figured as much,” he smirks and then tells the server to keep the change, “I guess we better head over. We will talk later, and I will finish my confession.”

I smile softly, “Okay.”

I know he isn’t trying to hide it from me, but for some reason, the story does not want to be told because something always pops up. If it wasn’t for court, I’d make him tell me it all before we leave, but court takes precedence over our little talk. Jace holds my hand the whole way again, making me feel wanted and loved. Kaylee’s words haunt me just a little bit when I remember her saying that I’m a pathetic nerd. I know I’m smart, and even I’ve called myself a nerd, but pathetic?

Jace shakes my hand to get my attention, “Get out of that head of yours, Precious, you aren’t doing yourself any favors by being there right now.”

“I know, but I can’t help it.” I defend.

“Well then, as your Dom, I’m ordering you to keep your mind on this trial and forget everything else, or I will bring out the cane later and stripe that pretty peach of yours, and I will not give you any mercy.” He says it all in his deep voice, making my panties instantly wet.

