Page 114 of My Bully's Love

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I glance over my shoulder to see her covering her eyes, and I can’t help but smirk. I look at Ella and she’s actually wearing a matching smirk to mine. I wink at her before bending over to retrieve my jeans. Once I have them on, I lay back down by Ella, and reach under the covers to caress her thigh while she talks to her sister.

“What is it that you want, Elise?” She doesn’t say it in a mean way, but her sister seems to take it that way.

“I just wanted to talk to my big sister since you are leaving Monday morning.” I freeze at Elise’s words.

I feel Ella’s eyes on me, and so I look over at her, “It’s not a sure thing yet, Jace. I haven’t called to book my flight yet, but I was hoping to leave then.”

I nod, keeping my lips firmly closed. This isn’t a conversation to have in front of an audience and for some reason, her sister wanted to come in here and make it known that Ella was leaving. Which means, she already knew that I was here. I give my girl a smile and kiss her cheek, “It’s all good. We will talk about it later.” I get up and put my socks and boots on before heading to the window.

“Jace!” Ella calls out to me. I turn back to look at her, “Do you want your shirt back?”

“Nah, keep it. I will call you later, babe.” I open the window and climb through it, trying my damn best not to turn around and take Ella again, reminding her who she belongs to. Damn her sister for disturbing us! I guess it’s better that it was Elise and not one of her parents that walked in.

Once I’m back at my house and in my bedroom, I toss myself onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I think I may be in way too deep where Ella is concerned. I’m obsessed with being with her and I don’t know what I should do. After laying here staring at my ceiling for God knows how long, I make myself get out of bed and get into the shower. Only then do I allow myself to crawl back into my bed and fall fast asleep for a few more hours.

Chapter 43

Please Take It Away

When Jace left this morning, I had a niggling feeling that things just weren’t right, but I couldn’t possibly tell him to stay so we could talk. Elise made things really awkward when she barged into my room. She’s another one that was acting strange this morning, almost as if she was being smug, which is so not my sister. So, after Jace left, I asked my sister if she would like to go get breakfast with me, down at the coffee shop; have a little sister bonding time. Instead of getting excited about it, though, all she did was shrug and agreed to go. I’m really hoping that it’s only Elise feeling abandoned because I left home, because that I know I can try and fix, but if it’s anything else, I’m not so sure.”

Once we have our breakfast sandwiches and coffee, we find a table by the front window and take our seats. The silence is a bit awkward at first, but then I just say screw it, and be the first to speak.

“Is everything okay, Elise? You seem to be quieter than usual.”

“I’m fine.” She takes a bite of her sausage and egg breakfast sandwich.

Her answer alone annoys me, and I’m not going to just let it go, “Oh really? Then what was with the attitude this morning when you came into my room without knocking?”

“I didn’t have an attitude, Ella, Jesus!”

Oh, hell no! She did not just use the Lord’s name in vain with me! I slam my coffee down, spilling the hot liquid on my hand, but I don’t care at the moment, “The fact that you just said what you said, tells me that something is going on, and I want to know what it is! Is it because I moved away, or what?”

“What, you think that just because you graduated early and moved across the country that you are some hot shit now?” She crosses her arms, “News flash, sister, the world doesn’t revolve around you!”

“I never said it did, and I don’t deserve to be disrespected just because I want to know what is troubling my baby sister!” I scold.

Elise brings her fist down on the table, “I am not a baby, Ella! I wish people would see that and stop treating me like one!”

I cock a brow at her like ‘really’, as she throws the little tantrum. I take a few minutes to calm myself down and think about my next words as I take a bite of my own sandwich. I stare at her the whole time I chew, making her squirm in her seat until I finally swallow, and wash it down with some coffee.

“Do you have a boyfriend, Elise?”

Her back goes ramrod straight, “Why would you think I had a boyfriend?”

“Do you?”

“Why would I tell you if I did? It’s obvious that you didn’t think I was important enough for you to tell me about you and Jace being together.”

“Maybe if you had spent any time at home while I’ve been here, you would have found out when mom and dad found out. You’re the one that has been MIA all week.”


I cut her off, “You know what, I’m not going to sit here and pressure you into telling me anything. Like you said, you’re a big girl now, and besides, I shouldn’t have to pry anything out of you. We used to be so close, and now, we barely even talk.”

“I can’t help it if I have friends, and a life, unlike you.” My sister says this as if it’s my fault that I don’t have a life, and yet, she has a look that tells me she knows all about my unfortunate past.

“Yeah, well, we can’t all be as outgoing as you, Elise.” I try really hard not to let the hurt I’m feeling from my own sister be heard when I talk.
