Page 115 of My Bully's Love

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I watch as she just picks at the rest of her sandwich, but she must get tired of having me scrutinizing her that she tosses it down, “Are we done here? I have somewhere that I need to be.”

I look at my watch, “You have somewhere to be at nine thirty on a Saturday morning?’


“Fine, go. You can take an Uber then.” I shrug.

“Are you freaking serious right now?” My sister’s face turns red with her anger, “You drive me here and expect me to take an Uber back?”

I shrug again, “You agreed to come, and I’m not done with my breakfast, so you can either wait for me to finish, and stop being such a bitch to me, or you can find your own way back.”

“Ugh, what crawled up your ass?” she mumbles.

“Excuse me? You’re the one that’s been distant since I’ve been home! I haven’t done anything; I’ve been dealing with my own shit!” Now I’m really pissed! I don’t like swearing too much, but damn…

“Oh, that’s right, you have been too busy accusing people of doing things to you that you already allow Jace to do to you!” Elise’s eyes go round once her words are out and she’s realized what she just said. I’m stunned beyond belief, “I’m sorry, Ella. I didn’t mean it.” She tries to apologize, but nothing she says will take back what she’s just said to me.

“Get. Away. From. Me. Now!” I pronounce each word clearly for her to understand.

“I’m sorry, Ella!” She pleads for forgiveness, but I see no remorse.

I stand up, and just walk out the door, leaving her sitting at the table. When she realizes that I’m leaving, she chases after me, calling out my name. People along the street are beginning to stare, but I don’t care. When she calls my name one more time, I swing around, fisting my hands, and scream at the top of my lungs at my baby sister.


Elise stops dead in her tracks and looks around as more people turn our way, “Ella, get a hold of yourself!” She loudly whispers to me.

“Do you think I care what people think anymore, Elise?” I scoff, “Open your fucking eyes, Elise! I’ve spent two years worrying about what people thought, and now, my give a damn is broke. I do things my way now, and not how others want me to.” I unlock my car and then turn back to my sister, “I can’t believe I hid being bullied from you just so I could protect you. Maybe if I hadn’t, you wouldn’t be such a bitch.” I get in my car and speed away. When I look in my rearview mirror, Elise is still standing there staring at me in disbelief.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been driving around for, but I know I’ve missed a few phone calls because I ignored each one of them. It’s probably Elise or my parents after I left my sister stranded by the road, but I can’t bring myself to care. I need time to myself, for what, I do not know, because I haven’t had one single thought run through my head the whole time I’ve been driving. To be totally honest, I’m not sure I know how I got to where I’m at, because I don’t remember driving here. Glancing around, I realize that I’m in the exact spot wheretheyran me off the road.

Closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths. I don’t want to think about that night; I don’t want to think about anything at all if I’m being completely honest with myself. One word pops into my mind; well, actually, a name. Jace. Looking to make sure no cars are coming, I pull onto the road and head towards home, only when I get there, I don’t pull into our driveway, I pull intohis.

I’ve been sitting in my car for five minutes before the front door opens and the only person that may be able to help me, comes walking out to my car. We gaze at one another through my closed window. I make no move to open it or to get out, I just sit here staring up at him. His brows furrow as he begins to worry. Opening the driver’s side door, he squats down, so he’s more eye-level with me. His hand goes to my thigh, and squeezes.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He asks.

I don’t know what to tell him. He will be pissed if I tell him what Elise said, and I don’t want to cause any problems between him and another family member, so I try to be as honest as I can, “I was driving around, and I somehow found myself back at the spot.” I stare out the windshield in a daze, “I don’t know how I got there, but then I thought of you, and I came here.”

“That’s good, Ella. You came to the right place. I want you to always come to me for anything.” He says softly while brushing a stray hair off my face.

I slowly turn my head to face him, “No, you don’t understand. I came here because I need you.”

He nods, “That’s okay, I understand. You need me to hold you…”

“No! Please…take it away!”

“What do you mean, Ella?” He licks his lips, drawing my attention to them.

Suddenly, I’m craving his touch all together and I lean in, grabbing his nape and crashing our lips together. He cups both my cheeks and holds my head as he breaches my mouth with his tongue. My fingers curl, capturing the overgrown hairs at the back of his neck, as our tongues tangle together. After a moment or so, he pulls away, but presses his forehead against mine.

“Tell me, Precious, what do you need me to take away for you?” His eyes are closed as he asks me this, but then they spring open, knowledge of what I’m wanting is clear in the depths of his green orbs.

“The pain,” I whisper, “I need you to take away the pain…”

He studies me briefly before nodding, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, please…just take it away…”
