Page 125 of My Bully's Love

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“Did you have anything to do with the beatings of my attackers?” I can tell that she already knows the answer, but this is a hard one, since I’m not the only one involved.

“Can I meet you in the middle on this one?”

She scrunches her face, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It just means that I can tell you that I do know what happened and how it happened, and I can also tell you that I was not part of the beating, but that is as much as I can tell you.” I lift a brow, hoping she will except it. When I see her nod, I let out the breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

I let her lift herself up and straddle my lap, her skirt hiking high up on her thighs. She bites her bottom lip, as she runs her hand down my chest until it reaches my waist, “I know one way you can start making it up to me, Sir.”

I lift a brow and glance around, “What, right here?”

She doesn’t say anything but takes one of my hands and brings it up between her legs, under her skirt. I feel it right away. She grins, knowing that I’ve figured out that she’s wearing the panties I gave her for Christmas. All playing stops as lust hits me full force.

“Take my cock out, and you can have your reward, Precious.” She does and doesn’t waste any time in sliding all the way down until I’m balls deep inside her, “Now ride it, baby.”



I know people would probably call me weak and naïve for forgiving Jace of all his transgressions, but unless they are in my shoes, then they have no say in how I forgive anyone or not. I’ve known Jace since we were babies, and yes, he was a douche for two years over being told a lie, but people make mistakes, and I can tell that he’s been beating himself up over it. When all is said and done, and what it really comes down to is, I need Jace Palmer. I don’t know if anybody else can do what he does to me, or if they can read my body language or automatically know what I’m needing when I don’t even know. Jace can do all of it, and he doesn’t do any of it for himself. Okay, maybe he does sometimes when I’m naughty, but when I needed to feel the pain, he knew how much to give me, and when he needed to stop, no matter how much I had asked for it.

Jace is my other half, my yin to my yang, the light to my darkness. He balances me out, and I honestly don’t care what anybody says. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a little freakish, but Jace doesn’t judge me, no, he helps me to control my urges. I once said that I would never choose, but now, I’m not so sure. No matter how much I love my family, I now know what lives inside me and know enough that I need someone to help take care of it; Jace is that person.

As I pack my suitcase back up in preparation for my flight tomorrow, there is a knock at my door. I call out for whoever it is to come in, and to my surprise, it’s Elise. “Hey, can I come in?”

“Of course,” I put down the shirt I just folded and sat on the edge of my bed, so I can give my sister my full attention, “What’s up?”

“I’m sorry about yesterday. I should never had said what I said.” She stares at the floor the whole time, which irks me a little bit.

“Elise, look at me please.” I wait until her blue eyes meet mine, “Is there anything that you want to tell me? You seem to be different since I left, and I want to make sure that you know, that I’m still always here for you.”

She shrugs, “Not really, I guess I was just upset because you left me behind.”

“I didn’t leave you behind, Elise, I’m going to school and wanted to get myself settled before I started. Yeah, maybe I needed time away after everything, but I was never leaving you behind.”

“I know, and I will try not to take offense to it anymore.” Something about the tone of her voice and her body movements tells me that something is off, but I can’t figure it out.

“Mom thinks you have a boyfriend, is that true?” I ask.

“Nah, not a boyfriend, but there is someone that I like; he just doesn’t know if he has time for a relationship right now.” She explains.

“I see. Who is this boy, do I know him?” I smile.

“He’s not a boy, Ella; he’s a guy.” She rolls her eyes at me, and I have to chuckle.

“Okay, sorry! Do I know this guy, then?” I correct myself.

She shrugs once again, “I’d rather not say anything because I don’t want it being a big deal.”

“Hm, alright. I will respect your privacy, but please let me know if you ever need to talk about him or anybody, okay?”

“Okay. So, you’re leaving tomorrow?” She asks.

“Yeah, you missed the dinner that mom had for me, I was a little hurt.” I’m not going to lie to my baby sister.

“Sorry, I already had plans that I couldn’t change.” She’s lying, I can tell because she won’t look at me and she’s fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, but I don’t call her out on it. I’m too tired to argue anymore, “Can I help you pack or anything?” She offers.

“Thanks, but I’m pretty much finished. All I really have left is my bathroom stuff and I will need that in the morning.”
