Page 124 of My Bully's Love

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“Okay, okay! I’ll get on as long as you stop talking right now!” I chuckle and jump on top his back.

He stands as though he isn’t carrying anything, but then I’m floored when he starts galloping like he used to do when I was a little girl and doesn’t stop until we enter the dining room, and everyone is gawking at us with open mouths. We both laugh as he sets me down and we take our seats.

“Well,” mom says, “That talk must have gone well.”

I smile at my father, and he smiles back, but neither of us confirm what my mother just said, making everyone wonder what exactly happened while we were gone.

Chapter 46

Nothing Between Us


Sunday dinner at the Baxter’s turned out better than I thought. I know Ethan is mad at me and won’t be forgiving me anytime too soon, and that’s okay, but he did start putting forth some effort not to be a dick to me after him and Ella disappeared for a while. I will continue to try and make him change his mind about me and treat his daughter like he wants her to be treated.

I know I’ve done shady things in the past, and it’s not only the bullying that I have to make up for, but there are a couple of other things that I need to straighten out with Ella as well; things that I’ve said and had threatened her with. I can’t let her go on believing that I would have done any of those things, even if she hadn’t submitted. I was just trying to use anything that would get me what I wanted. Yeah, I know, another dick move on my part. I’m beginning to see just how wrong I was doing things in the past. There are no excuses for it, and I take full responsibility for everything. Again, all I can do is start righting all the wrongs that I have done to Ella in the past, starting with confessing the lies that I told her.

Once everybody has finished their dessert, I turn to Ella, “Can we go somewhere? There are a few things that I want to talk to you about before you leave to go back home. I don’t want anything hidden between us anymore.”

She graces me with her beautiful smile before turning to her parents, “Mom, dad, do you mind if I leave for a bit? Jace and I have a few things that we need to talk about.”

“Sure,” Elaine waves her hand at us and goes back to talking with my mom, while Ethan just nods and then turns his attention back to my dad as well. Eli has already hidden himself away in his bedroom, so I take my girl’s hand and pull her out the back door.

I continue walking and holding Ella’s hand until we get to my backyard and bring her over to the little cabana-like oasis that my mom had built, giving us a bit of privacy. I sit down on the lounge, pulling her down onto my lap, so she is sitting sideways. Her head rests against my shoulder as I hold her against me.

“I want to come clean about a few things, Precious,” I get straight to the point, “Now believe me when I say that I’m already beating myself up over it all, and I hope that you can forgive me for these lies that I’ve told you.” I feel her tense in my arms and try to sit up, but I hold her tight, “Please, just hear me out first okay.”

She doesn’t say anything, but her body does relax a little bit as she waits for me to continue. “First of all, I want to say that I didn’t have my head on right during the last couple of years, and I know there is no valid excuse for it, but at the time, I thought it was what I needed to do in order to get you where I wanted you.”

“Jace, please, just say it. Stop rattling on about stuff that isn’t necessary.” She tries instructing me and I give her a little swat on her hip for trying to do so.

“Just because I’ve been lax with you, doesn’t mean you can try telling me what to do, Precious.” I lift her chin, so I can look her in the eye, “I am your Dom and you do not speak to me that way. I’m trying to confess to you, but I’m doing it in my own way, please do not interrupt.” I talk sternly, but in no way am I trying to be an asshole to her.

“I’m sorry, Jace. You’re just making me nervous, is all.” She says softly.

“There’s no need to be, because you did nothing wrong, this is all on me, and I’m hoping to have your forgiveness, so we can move forward.”

“Okay, I’ll wait until you are done.”

“Thank you. Now,” I sigh before continuing, “I need you to know that I would have never made good on the threat I made about letting anybody near your sister. No matter how much you refused me, Elise was always safe. I was a douche, and I used the love that you have for her, against you. No matter what happens with us in the future, both Elise and Eli will always have me to protect them.”

Ella moves her head, so she is looking up at me again, a small smile on her lips. I press a kiss on the top of her head, letting my lips linger for just a moment before going on, “My other confession is the contract. It was never valid, and I never even went to see Luke. He knows nothing of our relationship.” This is the one that I’m really worried about her being upset over, but as always, she shocks me. When she asks if I’m done, I nod.

“So, you went through all of that, just to get me to submit to you? You faked a contract, and Luke’s signature, to scare me into submitting?” She asks, making sure she has it correct.

I nod shamefully, “Yeah, I did. I’m sorry about the way that I went about doing it, but I’m not sorry about having you to submit to me. I need you, Precious, and I’m not afraid to admit that; you need me as well.”

She places her finger over my lips, “May I please speak now?”

I kiss her finger and nod.

“Call me stupid or naïve, but I think it’s kind of sweet, well, in an obsessively freakish way, but still. The fact that you did all of that because you needed me, I don’t know; I should be livid with you for using my sister against me and making me think that my father’s partner knew what I was doing with you, but I’m not.” She cups my cheek with her hand, I can tell how much I mean to you, Jace, and I know that you are trying to make up for all the wrongs you have done. Thank you for coming clean about this. It only makes me love you even more, for wanting to have everything in the open. I don’t want any secrets between us.”

I take her hand from my cheek and kiss it, “No more secrets, I promise.”

“Good, but there is at least one more thing that I need to know,” she says to me.

“What’s that, Precious?”
