Page 127 of My Bully's Love

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I return her hug, “I know me too, but remember that I will be back for Jace’s graduation. Can you talk to his mom and make sure it stays a secret?”

“Of course, I will sweetie.” She pulls away and then my dad is there, hugging me tight.

“I love you, Daddy.”

“I love you too, kiddo.” He kisses the top of my head before pulling away, “I will call you as soon as I hear anything on the sentencing hearing.”

“Okay, thanks.” I’ve almost forgot all about the hearing. Now that I’ve put it behind me, and I’ve been pretty occupied all weekend, I haven’t thought about it.

“Well, I had better get in line and head through security.” I blow my parents another kiss and take my place in the line.

The line is moving so slow, but I’m finally only three people away from the counter when I hear my name being called. I glance around, but don’t see anybody, but the second I hear my nickname, Precious, I’m jumping out of line, searching frantically for the only person that calls me by that name. I finally spot him at the back as he searches each of the lines for me.

“JACE!” I call out and wave my arm, so he can see me.

We both run towards each other, my heart thumping and jumping for joy, being able to see him one last time before my flight. We crash into each other, melding together as our mouths meet in a passionate and desperate kiss. I don’t want to pull away, but I know we don’t have much time.

Reluctantly, I pull away first, “What are you doing here? I thought you had class?”

“I couldn’t stand being there, knowing that you were about to fly off. I had to come and give you a proper send off.” He caresses my cheek.

“What, and the multiple orgasms last night weren’t proper?” I ask jokingly.

He shakes his head, “No, Ella, they weren’t,” he gets all serious on me, “I needed to see you one last time, and tell you that I love you. I’m gonna miss you so fucking much, Ella. Promise me that you will face time me every day.” He presses his forehead against mine as he waits for me to answer.

“Probably multiple times a day because I’m going to miss you too, so freaking much. I love you, Jace.” I clench his shirt in my fists at his waist, “We will see each other in three weeks’ time when you come for your birthday.” I say it for both of our benefits.

“I know, but it’s going to be a long three weeks, Precious.”

I hear my flight being called and I still haven’t been through security yet, “I have to go, Jace.” I choke out.

He cups my face, “Until I see you again, please remember who loves you, and who owns you. I’ll be coming to see you soon to claim you all over again.” He grins.

“And I look forward to all of it, Sir.” I wink at him as I pull away, “Until I see you again…”

I turn and get back into the much smaller line. Once I’m done at the counter and I’m about to pass through the doors, I turn back to see that Jace is still standing there, watching me with a sad smile. He blows me a kiss and I catch it, blowing one back in return. I disappear through the doors and head to security.

As soon as I land and I’m in the Uber I dig out my phone and facetime, Jace. He answers right away with a big ole grin on his face. I can see that he’s at the facility, working, and a pang of longing runs through me. I want his hands to be on me, not some other sub, even though I know how he works, it still doesn’t take the sting away.

“Hey, Precious. How was your flight?”

“Long,” I sigh, “and very boring.”

“Well, you better take a nice long nap when you get home, baby.”

I chuckle, thinking he’s just messing with me, but then he lifts a brow, “What,” I ask, “You’re serious about the nap?”

“I’m dead serious, Precious. I kept you up half the night pleasing that slutty pussy of yours, and then your mouth was a greedy girl early this morning. You haven’t gotten much sleep, and so I’m ordering you to take a nap.” It’s a good thing I have my earbuds in so the Uber driver can’t hear him, but the sub that he’s working with is in the background, and I can see her smirking. I should be horrified, but I’m actually getting turned on.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. Now, I want you to facetime me when you get home and I will help with putting you to sleep, but for now, I’ve gotta go. I have to finish up my session so I will have time to take care of my girl, okay?”

“Okay, Sir. I love you.”

“I love you too, Precious.”

The screen goes black when he disconnects the call and I sigh heavily. When I glance up, I notice the driver looking at me, smirking in the rearview mirror. I send him a glare before turning my head and staring out the window for the rest of the drive. I don’t wait for him to say anything, and I don’t say anything either as I open the door and drag my suitcase out behind me. I quickly make my way up the steps and unlock the outside door with the keypad before stepping into the front entryway. I check my mailbox first, pulling out a few days’ worth of junk mail and two bills.
